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Posts posted by tamarac

  1. heres the scoop..... yah we got rain today (wednesday) not too much thou, and since we had sooooo much snow to begin with 4ft the little rain we did get didn't do that much harm.... I'm trying to find out when our groomers will be out, i figure probably by tomorow, -7f with snow all day so they be able to get out and about, had 3 riders from vermont today, they came across the 83 from parent and said that the 13 and 83 were fantastic,... with the weather forcast predicting snow for the rest of the week we should find our trails up to tiptop condition come this weekend...Jeff and his buddies are off to the chibougamou area and coming back in on friday so i'll givean update then from that area.

    :drinks: snowhite and big al

  2. OK so we got the rain during the weekend and it was 5f on monday, but know its about -10f we are supposed to get snow 5cm today and up to 6'' come friday, al was in parent yesterday and he saw the guy who groomes the trails and he said he would be out in them come tuesday (today) the fix them up after the rain.... so with the snow this week come this weekend the conditions should be tip top. This new wave of cold will also help freeze over the many lakes up here. Be goood (not) have fun.. :clapping:

  3. Pour avoir les conditions de nos trail ici dans le grand nord vous pouvez suivre le site de '' Alliance du Nord '' leur site est beau et facile a utiliser et aussi fiable. Nous avons presentement 3 pied de neige et les trail sont vraiment belle, Gaston a passer la surfasseusse vendredi de clova a parent et ce pour la 3x fois, l'an passé l'alliance a fait un très bon travail et il faut croire qu'ils sont parti pour faire de même cette année. Alors dans notre coin du paradis: clova parent, parent fer a cheval, parent wemotaci, nos 3 trail sont faite. le pont de glace du bazin est prête, et le mauser vas être, ou est baliser si peu.

    Bonne saison a tous,

  4. Thanks for the update.

    When is the lepine trail expected to be groomed?

    i really can not give you a proper answer, i have no ideal,..... we have had a couple of people come up the lepine and actually 2 of them left just this morning, they came up on thursday and it took 4.5 hrs with a few stops. 2 things though, it is only a 1 sled wide trail ( when i write trail i mean that its been riden a few times, no groomer) so got to watch out for oncoming traffic, and also you've got to remember there is no gaz available on the way, make sure you are full at the pensive. thks

    Thanks Carol. I hope you and Alan had a Merry Christmas.

    Chris and I will be up the 18th , hope to see you both on our trip.


    will be glad to see you, let me know if i reserve for you....
  5. Hi, everyone

    you are right about the mauser, they were trying to re-route but they got caught too early with snow, however they were stating that in about 48 hrs that it would be marked and usable, this is info dated the 25 dec. so it should be good to go. As for the bazin the ice bridge is ready and good to go. Have a great season everyone.

  6. Hi Everyone, here are the conditions up here in clova. as always alliance du nord doing a great job in our 3 area trails ( clova to parent, parent to wemontachi,parent to fer a cheval )for now there is only 1 groomer workning but they are getting them done. we have a least 3 ft of snow so far the last storm was great, only problem is the lepine trail. It has not been groomed yet, frank and his buddies from the pensive came up on sunday, they have off trail rides and they were able to make it up here so we do have a somewhat trail..........just be warned that the mcdo is not openned this year so should you comme up the lepine trail bring some gas with you, or make sure you are topped up before leaving the pensive. They will be open for some fast meals, and for some overnights this year but book ahead because they still have some workers. Hope all of you had a nice christmas and that the New Year is even better. Our first friends up this year were Corey and Fred on the 14 dec.....hope to see you all soon.

  7. so ok we got some rain today, but the wind is from the north so not as much damage to the trails as we would think, they are still in spring condition, the problem now is when your not on the trails, travalling from place to another in town, some of the road is starting to show thru. I spoke to jocelyn and lyne from pourvoirie martin and the guin trail was ok as of yesterday sent some friends up there, the problem for that area is the second half towards the barage is no longer marked off.

    should you hurry all up you might get a last ride in :good:

  8. it was nice to finally the miracle, beautiful and delightful shannon, thanks for stopping in and i hope you enjoyed your season and your last ride up in our beatiful neck of the woods, be good, be careful and hope you stop in for some more munchies next year... :drinks:

  9. We did not escape for too long the rain has arrived, yesterday i posted that it was holding off in our erea, but i made a mistake and posted in the gaspe forum... sorry guys. Heres the scoop,

    we've being getting rain since early this morning however they are saying -5 or -6 for the weekend, with some lite snow.... as soon as this clears i'll let you know... in the mean time sit back relax, have a coffee and wait... we've still got 4ft of snow on ground so not over yet, just a small delay.. :nea:

  10. so heres the update, 2pm and they were announcing rain up in our area..... no rain so far so thats good, its +5 and all is great. In the next few days the weather should fall back to normal temps -5 to -10 so i guess this will only help to harden the base, we've got about 40'' right now so we'll be good while. I know some areas are starting the rummors about closing for the season because of the conditions, were up here anyway and our friends out there know that i will post the conditions and i will post the right conditions....so enjoy the rest of the season. Write should you need other info. and i'll try and help. :good:

  11. being snowing for 2 days know, we have 3 guys in from n.y. and they says the trails were ok, be patiente the groomers are on their way and within the nest day or so everything should be A1, they are also forcating rain for wednesday up our way, that will give a good base, but don't be woried we've got about 5ft of snow so were still good for a while.... will let you know for the rain thow

    snow white :good:

  12. Try and remember to have fun but for god sake be careful.... i will take this op. to let you know we have the evac sled and we will getting our 1st respondante courses in march, i hope we will never have to use our training....write should you want the gps co-ordinates.

  13. New site to check out, alliancedunord.com, they are the team that runs the skidooseurs out of parent and they are really up to date in the trail conditions, i think its all in french but should you have any questions write us and i fill you in. :good: By the way we did get some rain on wednesday but since then we are in the 0 degree area and we are still getting snow, soo great conditions to come on up.

  14. depending on the amount of kms you want to do in a day, you can stay at the best western in Mont Laurier, they have a great big parking area and their rooms are very nice and clean, foods not terrible but for bfast its ok, don't have to go back outside. I'll look up joncas for you and let you know. snow white

  15. :yahoo: great news everyone, the 83 as of this morning is open from at least le relais 22, and all the way to senneterre, the last section from clova to the balbuzard is done, the balbuzard is not open yet but everything else in between is. The rabaska also let me know today that the passe toward the chemein lepine or the sentier des draveur is also done, so we've got very good conditiones all that is missing is you.... :drinks: snowhite
  16. the information is correct for the lepine trail, it is sanded up to and 10 kls passed the pensive, but you can still park up there and leave from that erea, doesn't make for a long ride but doable. You can also come up from the rabaska, as of today just know their trail is done all the way to the pensive and we are done from clova down.


  17. I know that we are not aloud to make any sort of advertising on this site, however what i am about to write i don't consider it advertising but just very useful information for everyone.

    As of the 20th of december we have a evacuation sled that is completly ready and fully equiped to be used. The sled is situated at Hotel Tamarac, and we are prepared to come to everyones help and as soon as we have the gps co-ordinates i will post them.

    We are also working on getting some people in clova trained as first responders and 1st responders transporters. we are a little late for this year but we are going ahead with it anyway so we can be prepared for the rest of the season and also in the years to come, we will also adapt the sled to be able to use it in the summer. I will keep you updated on the trainning and also for the gps co-ordinates. We need to thank the city of Latuque and also the guys at the 1st responders in senneterre in helping us with this project. should you have any comments or questions, don't be shy and write or call.

    thanks snow white.... :yahoo:

  18. :clapping: voici les dernieres nouvelles des piste dans notre region.... il y a eu de la pluie cette semaine (mercredi) mais la depuis jeudi soir il neige, alors nous avions eu de la neige avant et avec la pluie ca faite une belle croute, mais la avec la nouvelle neige par dessus ca fait un bon debut.... Nous avons eu de la visites et il ont montee par le chemin lepine,(vous ne pouvez pas passer sur les piste il non pas etait faite, seulment sur le lepine ou chemin du draveur) les conditions etait deja bonne, mais la avec la nouvelle neige il ne manque que vous....

    passer une bonne saison et surtout passer des joyeuse fete

    big al et blanche neige :drinks:

  19. :good: alright heres the scoop, during this week we got rain on wednesday, so know we've got a good bottom crust, and as of friday noon its been snowing since yesterday, not a full on storm but not to gentil either.... howere you can not go on the trails here yet they haven't been groomed but if you want to get in a short ride before the official season you can come up the lepine road, or some people call it the chemin des draveur.... Hope to see you all soon

    snow white and big al :drinks:

  20. :yahoo: so heres the scoope, yah, its official we've got snow way up here in great old clova....its being snowing for the past 3 days, couple inches a day, so we're up to about 10''

    we had friends comme up the lepine roand last saturday and the ride was great... need to keep to the trail(road) no going off trail, not quite enough snow yet for that. But it sure was good to see Bill from ontario and couple of his friends.. Be good, have fun, be safe and have a good season. We want to take this time to also wish you all happy holidays whichever they may be.

    Big Al and Snow white :drinks:

  21. :clapping: hey santa, i'm about to make you even more grompier..... we had 6 friends over last night and they came up the lepine road.. they also mentioned that the ride was great... we will more than happy to see you this season, we got a little bit of rain today but the weatherman is announcing snow the rest of the week. Will keep you all posted...

    snow white and big al :drinks:

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