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S pump

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Everything posted by S pump

  1. A rube.......I'm not following the info you left. Can you elaborate some please. There are some newbies here.......like me.
  2. RFM, just go do some loops and save the tracks............we'll take it from there
  3. Legend ..............can you upload in GPX format...if so we can covert to that. Or is that Garmin format you are talking about? the track you sent me were GBP right?
  4. Thanks Rob, I already have a bunch of tracks collected from a couple sites within a few days. I have Sherbroooke to Thetford Mines to St Georges if anyone needs it. Got me home in a blizzard last Sunday night.
  5. Yah, I'm on the fence as far as getting the Qc map. Pretty darned handy devices tho.
  6. A short warmup will most likely benefit setting up a good base. There is a ton of snow but it has no firmness. I went wide in a turn in a field around Wotton and hit the plow furrows.......almost lost my teeth. Them Yammies are tough though. A little snow on top of this base and conditions don't get better.
  7. I'm thinking we could make our own pretty quickly by sharing tracks. Only issue I see is the editing to take out wrong turns and utrns and such but I am stll learning. The Quebec map is pretty good but i'm with you about the cost of all the add-on maps. I think I can get away with tracks on the basemap and just plug in the gas stops and food. Lobby Rob for an exchange forum and we can share some nice stuff. I can't wait to get to a couple places I've ridden by in fear of being lost and go explore. Bobler had the same unit with the Qc Map and I'll bet he's reading the manual feverishly after this past weekend
  8. A Rube, what do you have .............I'll take anything for Quebec. I don't have much yet but surely will.
  9. Email sent.....I have found a couple great sites for laying your tracks on google eart or sharing your tracks with others. Awesome technology. http://www.gpsxchange.com/ http://www.gpsvisualizer.com/map?form=googleearth http://gpssledmaps.com/maps/ Here are a few to keep you busy...............
  10. Was there Sat and Sun, trails are mint. As good as mid winter and they were in a Blizzard when we left late Sunday. Without GPS you couldn't find the trails so much snow in spots. Watch the corners though, trail signs aren't all up and corners aren't all marked. One of our group missed a bridge pretty hard and looking back the corner wasn't marked at all. Right through the rails and down 15 feet onto a frozen river. Couple ribs and bent parts later we got him out but be careful. Besides that a great early start to the season and they are expecting 1+ foot more.
  11. Rode this past weekend with a veteran group (10) riders and did around 400 miles around Sherbrooke, Thetford Mines and St Georges. Got a chance to try out some new iron, Yammy and Doo and both real nice rides. Also got a chance to try my new Garmin 60. All I can say is when we came back to Sherbrooke in a blinding blizzard that thing had me right on track telling me when turns were coming and where gas was and more info than I thought was possible. I don't think I would ride without one now. It should be a must have for any sledder and they are getting affordable with alot of features. Another cool thing i found is you can upload other peoples tracks and share yours. Riding was spectacular, wrecked one sled and rider, lost a couple guys for a few hours but all in all was a great break in ride. The old trusty Apex is still smooth as silk and a blast to ride. Anyone have any GPS tracks they want to share?
  12. Just got back from there............mid winter conditions right now except for the lack of warning signs.................. :wacko:
  13. Switch............a group of us will be in the area this weekend. Couple Nytros and a new doo and couple Apex GTs. Keep and eye out for us and wave us down if you see us. Probably staying at the Arnold......look us up if you are around.
  14. Dooooooooooode That sucks..........Coulda been worse though. Chin Up
  15. ^^^^^^^^^^^you would know^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  16. Bill, Got my permit in time to ride this weekend.....thanks for the quick turnaround................looks like next week to head North tho. Forgot completely about inventory at work............all hands on deck........no excuses.
  17. Switch is it possible to ride from Benedict hotel to Beauce clubhouse up by golf club road?
  18. Yah that's funny.............
  19. Who need that aluminum bridge anyway ;)
  20. Wellllllllllllll..............Friday, Freak , Tony, Me so far.............you can borrow my ProX if your sled is broke.
  21. What a beautiful town...........I will be out there again this year Good Lord Willin......Who's riding this weekend? Freak and i so far and maybe a florida transplant...........Cant wait.
  22. My youngest is getting more into sleds and I worry about this and other stuff. I guess I will try to teach him all the lessons I learned the hard way.......glad things turned out OK
  23. Great rules to live by and I agree with all. Another you alluded to is you are responsible to make sure the guy directly behind you is there at least every few miles. Headlight contact is not good enough. Ive ridden for miles south of La Tape thinking a bud was in sight behind me and when I stopped, it was another guy. Bud had run out of gas miles back. Also agree on road crossings, don't wave anyone across but do point repeatedly towards oncoming traffic. Over the years have seen the result of almost all of the mistakes mentioned sometimes resulting broken parts and bones. Good refresher.
  24. Yah, we ran into Early Rider at the Pohengrmook relay riding up that way. He was with a couple guys I think maybe you and True Blue.
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