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Auberge Chantalain


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I've got some great news for riders in the Lac La Blanche - Montpelier area.  The venerable Hotel Lac Schryer has been slowly transformed and re-opened under the new name Auberge Chantalain.  Back in my yout', when we dragged trails with Alpines and old bedsprings, this establishment was ably managed by https://www.fcfq.coop/avis-de-deces/lorenzo-lemay-154384/ whose bevy of lovely daughters served snacks and quarts into the wee hours.  It included a dance floor, stage, pool table .. and even a hydraulic bucking bull!  It was the "second home" of the Hill & Gully Riders, and, being a daylong trip, was an overnight destination (it now takes under an hour!).  Eventually, like most of these rural hotels, it fell on hard times and closed in the mid-eighties.  Most of us expected to see it burn down or be demolished.

Astonishingly, the building remained in pretty good shape and, just before COVID hit, Chantal and Alain purchased it and began a slow but steady renovation project.  They had a "soft opening" last fall, but are now open seven days a week, with food (pizzas, pub grub) from Thursdays to Sundays.  The response has been so good, I expect that they'll expand that service ... if they can find the help.

I have been working with the iMotoneige folks to get the Auberge on the map, and we hope it doesn't suffer the fate of so many area establishments.  The Boréal (formerly Riopel's) in Montpelier is yet to re-open, and most places in Val-des-Bois have closed.  Hope springs eternal for the Boréal however, and they're offering big discounts to sledders and ATV'er's on their newly renovated rooms.  Fingers and toes are crossed.  


Le Chantalain aka Schryer Lake Hotel.jpg

Edited by Gullyrider
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2 minutes ago, actionjack said:

Need to get them on google maps and at least a simple website too. Nice to see Riopel back. 

Most definitely! I could be wrong, but I get the impression that Chantal and Alain are just now becoming familiar with snowmobile tourism.  AMVN director Lanthier has also been working closely with them installing signage and whatnot, and I'm trying to help them out with English language media.  It's unfortunate that the only access is down a long village street (and there have already been some resident complaints about some late-night yahoo sledders - probably completely justified unfortunately), but it is what is.  Those carbides were really too sharp anyway!

COVID caused a huge upswing in snowmobile tourism in our area, and I'm hoping things can come together for what used to be Riopel's and that they can capitalize on it.  Sadly, the hotel in Val-des-Bois, which seemed to be rocking all last winter, has not survived.  Neither did the remaining sit-down restaurant (although apparently there's limited seating in the fried chicken take-out spot).  Staff shortages seem to be a major issue but I'm sure that there are other factors at play.  Oh well ... at least we got Schryer back, and our own clubhouse is rockin' weekends too!

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