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Everything posted by HDen

  1. Another pic of the Glacier (Mt Valin) HDen
  2. Where is this parking located? HDen
  3. Yes, it's the #175 road going to Saguenay, about 20 miles North of Stoneham. Pic was not taken from trail #23 but from an off-trail ride under the power lines. HDen
  4. This one will be tough... :sad: The pic was taken April 14, 2007, looking NW. I am under the power lines on the top of the mountain. Where is it and what is the autoroute number? HDen
  5. New-Brunswick? Close to Pointe-à-la-Croix? HDen
  6. I did a cruise on the Saguenay River 2 weeks ago. It's a great way to discover the Fjord. It's beautifull! I took a few pics in the area of Baie Eternité: We can see the 30 feet high statue on the top of the mountain. It's the same place as Rob's winter pics:
  7. Dans combien de temps la première ride? J'ai hâte!! Photos de mes deux dernières rides les 18 et 25 avril 2007: Vive l'hiver!! HDen
  8. Je dirais une jonction de la #93 et d'un sentier local près de Péribonka HDen
  9. L'idée de ce site est très bonne! Félicitations Rob! HDen
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