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Everything posted by Cnc

  1. Nope the car ferry lost and found dept.
  2. Suddenly a remix of the old Doris Day song popped into my head. “Quai” será, será Whatever will be, will be The future's not ours to see and neither is the dock apparently, Que será, ......... 😁😁😁😁😁😀😀😀
  3. You should see more green as the cold air comes back, West to East. Our club in Tremblant area is sending the groomers out tonight since the rain and mild weather moved off early this morning.
  4. Weather is also looked at carefully by the clubs these days as spring approaches and their budget gets thinner. We are still grooming around here but they hold off grooming if rain is expected , or temperatures are not expected to drop or stay below freezing for a few days, which is exactly what is happening here. Tons of snow at the moment and a few days of warm and light rain then cooling off to below freezing on Saturday night and staying that way for most of next week. I would expect similar conditions and weather in the area you are interested in.
  5. I can not think for a minute why the salmon crossed the road 😁 so Pave’ in this instance means Filet. Literal translations are sometimes pretty funny. 👍🏻
  6. Middle side is that somewhere near your back side?😁😁😁😁😁
  7. Cnc

    3 M tour

    Deer Pizza Mmm! Nice pics. We probably traveled through some of those same trails you were on leading to near Mont Laurier before taking the 63 and running down the Pitit Train du Nord on Friday the 9th.
  8. It’s not only the tourists who run the middle of the trail or corner on the left, seems like at least half the sleds I meet are guilty of this. As for catching a sled thief, what ever punishment he gets will not be enough IMO.
  9. You did but since I live in QC just send the money to me and I’ll take care of it for you.😁😁😁😁
  10. No, too late for the refund. I received one too and not sure why as it is dated for the 2017-2018 season, not this season. I have never received anything in the past. It is just comformation that you were insured for that period.
  11. My house with my wife’s cooking, must be good my buddies keep coming back.😁 Seriously Village Windigo north of devils mountain rates in my mind as worthy of a mention.
  12. That is sad, the way of business these days. Same thing happens to many of the mom and Pop garage / gas stations that we have relied on for gas when sledding. The big name gas companies would rather see big gas stations attached to bigger depanneur in larger towns and busy junctions than keep small business alive. Doesn’t make it right but they are all driven by make a bigger buck. hope these guys can survive as an independent repair shop.
  13. Was riding through there the other week saw a few truck and trailers in parking lots but can’t remember where, maybe Walmart parking, or the back of the shopping Center across the street. Trail goes past there. Also I think Lynx snowmobile club may be the ones grooming there, try calling them or Nadon sport is a Yamaha dealer right on the same street, they may know the best place to park.https://www.google.ca/search?client=safari&hl=en-ca&ei=-TZ0XPbQJciLjwTepIL4Cg&q=nadon+sport+lachute+quebec&oq=&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-serp.1.0.41l5.0.0..32737...0.0..0.0.0.......0....1.......5..0i71.zpfgwfUyKu0
  14. The pic I am pretty sure is just a file pic, can’t see reporters going to the scene. Sad to see or hear about this kind of stuff.
  15. Would this be it? Still investigating the cause but the fellow apparently hit a tree and did not survive. Faits divers & judiciaires 19 FÉVRIER 2019 Secteur Lac-des-Écorces : Un accident de motoneige fait une victime Peu avant 11h00 cet avant-midi, les policiers de la sûreté du Québec, du poste de la MRC d’Antoine-Labelle ont été informés qu’une collision de motoneige avait eu lieu dans un sentier fédéré du secteur Lac-des-Écorces. Les premières informations recueillies nous apprennent que le conducteur, qui faisait partie d’un groupe de 3 motoneigistes, aurait perdu la maitrise de sa motoneige et aurait ensuite été percuter un arbre. La victime est un homme de 33 ans, a été conduite au centre hospitalier où son décès a été constaté. Un enquêteur spécialisé en enquête collision est présentement en direction afin de faire l’analyse de la scène. Une enquête est en cours pour connaitre les circonstances de la perte de contrôle. Il est encore trop tôt pour s’avancer sur quelques hypothèses possibles (photo: Pixabay).
  16. Sounds like a great time was had by all. I am sitting here near Tremblant looking out my window as the storm is developing, I don’t envy your drive back to the GTA, safe trip.
  17. I didn’t mention lac Carling because they wanted to unload and ride, not sure what that hotels policy would be on that, but yes very secure.
  18. Ax hotel in Tremblant is a bit off the direct route anyway. Hotel Chausser in Pine Hill will probably let you park and ride on the 327 but a fairly long ride to Mont Laurier( still shorter than parking anywhere on the 50. You might consider driving to Labelle 20 min further north than Tremblant on the 117. Start of the pitit train de Nord and main route to Mont Laurier. There is a parking lot there always full of trucks and Trailers so I am assuming it is safe. It is right in front of the old train station ( restaurant catering to sledders ) and at the junction of The 323 and 325.
  19. How much North West of MTL? How long a stay? Do you plan on arriving late, staying where you park or unloading and head for Mont Laurier?
  20. Cnc


    Yes been there by tour bus with guys from work years ago. Lot of fun, a small village right on the ice. They had the buses parking on the ice, telephone poles and power to many of the ice shanties as well as a case croute style restaurant back then. I caught a few tommy cod and a big hangover.
  21. Don’t forget to take the sticker off your old sled and bring it with the papers. Friend didn’t do that and had a bit of a hard time.
  22. Cnc


    Ice fishing is not open in all fishing zones of Quebec. This might get you started on your hunt for info. https://www.pourvoiries.com/en/outdoors-quebec/outdoors/ice-fishing/
  23. Village Windigo is a great place stayed there a few years back with my wife.
  24. Lakes srd now passable in the Hebou Blanc’a trail system but apparently very rough.
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