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  1. Like
    snowfarmer reacted to lindasledgirl in Trailblazer and Lindasledgirl 😃   
    Lucky me! 
    Trailblazer rode to LeCabanon had dinner, breakfast and a great day of riding!
    Thanks Jean-Guy, You made my trip!

  2. Like
    snowfarmer reacted to groomer in Pics from the Matapedia Valley !!!   
    hi tom and phil !!!
    new bridge should be ready next tuesday !!!
    great weather for riding in the morning , few snow clouds entering town + caught  in a traffic jam !!!
    grooming local trails tomorrow !!!
    -16c right now !!!

  3. Like
    snowfarmer reacted to 182ray in Trail Conditions   
    Maybe you can try one of the new snow bikes

  4. Like
    snowfarmer reacted to Saguenay Bill in Trail Conditions   
    Spent today getting my sled accident squared away.  Insurance company is sending me a check and I sold the wrecked sled to a salvage company in Alma.  Now I have a nice sum of money towards a new one.  Thanks to Daniel for his help.  If it wasn't for him it would have taken me 3 days to get it done but with him 1 day was enough.
  5. Like
    snowfarmer reacted to SkippyDoo in Adventures of Team Iceman   
    Yeah in 2007. Middle of Feb, -40, short windshield and no gauntlets on an 06 Rev. 50 mph right down that rail bed.  My hands where cooking on the inside and froze on the outside. To this day I don't know how I survived that run. Tall windshield and gauntlets, don't leave home without them. 
  6. Like
    snowfarmer reacted to iceman in Adventures of Team Iceman   
    Friday Day 5
    Definately winter judging by the temperature. Wicked cold this AM. Left Auberge Dilligence and headed up 93 Direction Girardville. Just a dream besides the cold. But it's because of cold like this that these trails stay like white aspalt. Icey Likey. Bring it. We hammer up 93 and turn left "down the middle" onto 815 another one of our "go to" trails. She is a goer. Love it! I'll tell you right now if you are waiting for pictures give up now cause no way I was taking my hands out my gloves today for puctures, sorry gang. 
    We run down to where it joins 373. We spin around and roll back up the same way we came. It's a whole new trail this way. Halfway up I'm having issues. My shield is icing up. Not good. I stop I mess with it, i go, i stop i mess with it I go. It's gonna be a problem. Return to 93 and into Lac Jim. Take "5". Thaw helmet grab some heat. We leave and its better but mostly cause i am riding with it cracked open. Not terrible it is a bit warmer but not much then this AM. Down a fresh groomed 93 not a mark on it. It is White Asphalt. That's why we come here. 93 is awesome we go to the right turn Local 716 well well,  it's like they knew we was coming. Groomed new no tracks. We cruise up another of our favorites and into Restaurant Chef for a gas stop. A gang comes in from the other way. We gas and go, out the back and back on a still beautiful trail wicked fast. We arrive at 93 and again it's spectacular all the way to La Dore where we leave 93 for Local 712 we run it up and back to 373. Another awesome trail. However the shield .... I have had enough. Back on 373 and we go toward St Prime. Here 373 is showing some use. Bumped up in the corners and getting ripples. Down to Local trail 715 to get to Extreme Powersports in St. Prime. I am certain a new shield is a long shot. I get a tester from them just to verify that the power is good. No problems with wire or jack. Shield is done. They have a few older HJC helmet shields but not one for me. Oh well. I check out hus clearance shelf. Bingo! Find a whole new helmet with electric shield and has the other shield that flips down for sun. Sweet. And only $120 hook me up, Ice needs to see where he is going. I get my new buddy Steve to box up my other Helmet as it has all my Radio Coms in it. And mail it to My Yamaha Dealer in Cap de Madeline. $12 bucks for this, such a deal. 
    Off like a prom dress and back to 373 toward Roberval. We go left on 711 local and its much nicer then 373. Up this and we Join back onto 83. It's groomed nice and it's tempting to head down a bit just because but it's getting to be flat light and temps dropping. We run 83 to 373. Up 373 and we try the Local and get to Motel Roberval(with St Hubert) we wanted to get to the Lake and try to run the Local to Chalet Spa Chambord and loop back to Roberval. But I guess that trail is no more. 
    So back to 373 and we deal with it all the way back to St Prime just because. We turn around run back and into Hotel Chateau Roberval. Before dark, another play day for us. 
    210 miles or 338 km
    tomorrow we make for Chez Iceman. 373 to 83 to 355 to 360 and 23 then into Shawinigan and the run home on TQ3. 
    Until next time

  7. Like
    snowfarmer reacted to rene2015 in 2/ 2017 UPA Trail closures   
    Lac William here we come!:)
  8. Like
    snowfarmer reacted to manoirdulacwilliam in 2/ 2017 UPA Trail closures   
    Good news! An agreement was reached this morning between the UPA and the Minister, the snowmobile trails will stay open! Looking forward to welcoming you! Manoir du lac William
    Saint-Ferdinand, Québec
  9. Like
    snowfarmer got a reaction from rene2015 in 2/ 2017 UPA Trail closures   
    Thank Mid range !!
  10. Like
    snowfarmer got a reaction from Mid Range in 2/ 2017 UPA Trail closures   
    Thank Mid range !!
  11. Like
    snowfarmer got a reaction from Carman in 2/ 2017 UPA Trail closures   
    I can't read French but looks like good news!
  12. Like
    snowfarmer got a reaction from iceman in Adventures of Team Iceman   
    Ricky Bobbi of the North ! I'm looking at the time stopped ,7 minutes per hour average pretty impressive !
  13. Like
    snowfarmer reacted to Fozzy in Adventures of Team Iceman   
    " Thank you little baby Jesus."    That there is the post of the year! Lol
    Also I see Bill 101 doesn't seem to have an affect up in the Cree Region.
  14. Like
    snowfarmer reacted to iceman in 2/ 2017 UPA Trail closures   
    Might be time to book that trip to the Caribbean. Look out Beach here i come. 
  15. Like
    snowfarmer reacted to iceman in Adventures of Team Iceman   
    Day 2 continued
    out of Sawmill and trail is ok but could use some love. It has not been groomed is over a week. It's not terrible but not like the rest we seen. We push on. The biggest thing were the road crossings the berms at the road were big and it was not the easiest you needed to be on your game to cross the roads and manipulate your way up and over. We found the usual 2-3 water holes (sippi holes) first being 50 km from sawmill headed north. (Will probably change but be advised) it was a pretty big washout on the right. Those of us who actually ride the right would be the ones in danger. Those of you who ride the middle are not affected.
    I meet a guy southbound solo at a road crossing. He tells me the 'gratte" is headed south about 10km north coming my way. Well thank you my friend, we move on now I'm on guard cause i don't know if i trust this guys estimate of where surfacer is. Where i can see i go all out. Where my "spidey" senses tingle i take it easy. Well its 20Km and there he is i see him on a long straight coming our way!. Sweet!
    we pass. Now its just heaven we roll on and, About 80 km north of Sciere 54 there is a big wet lowspot on the southbound side. Another sippi hole. We arrive to Relais Barriere du Nord(closed) and from here up is like tge section from La Dore to the mill. Hard and big frozen solid. Nice trail. We light it up. We cruise on up the 50 km to Petro Canada to gas up. It's noticeably colder up here and the trail shows it. Very nice. Its 3pm. We go 93 direction Chapais. Into Chapais and its too early to call it, so we go on to Club house on 93. Here we take a local trail down to a lake just because. Then we circle back and run 93 back to Chapais. Into Motel Routier sitting pretty. 
    235 miles happy 😊 
    tomorrow we double back and go local trail into Chibougamau and judging by the grooming i see on the App. We are gonna be loving the ride up to Mistassini. 
    Big snowbanks at the road crossing

    Well lookey here

    Please sir may i have another?

  16. Like
    snowfarmer reacted to iceman in Adventures of Team Iceman   
    Day 2 Tuesday 
    after last nights happenings we were not moving too early. We go when we feel like it. Today we had breakfast and suited up bagged up and left on a perfectly groomed trail right from door of Hotel. On 373 direction St Felicien its groomed sweet but we are certainly not first tracks. That would soon change. We catch the first group. 3 singles and a two up. Easy pickings. Onward. 373 is still showing some sleds ahead. We move on. At the intersection for Auberge du Berges. There they are stopped and talking. 2 take off when they see us coming the other 3 are too slow. We scoop on by. Now we are gaining ground on the other 2. They arrive at the intersection of 373 and the orange local near the truck dealer in St Felicien. They are not sure what trail to take. Reading the signs. All we needed. We are past. C-Ya. They push hard not happy to be behind us. We toy with them a while then after the turn for Hotel Du Jardin, it's time to bid farewell. We turn it up and buh bye. Not seen again. Trail is utterly amazing but it usually is up here so we are not surprised. 373 to 93 and to gas in La Dore. 93 is freshly groomed as well and we are headed for the Sawmill. There is two sleds ahead I'm guessing by the tracks i'm reading in front of me. 
    Now I must take a minute to give a big thank you to the club here. I have never seen this section of the 93 as big as it is this year. It was big and flat. Nicely done. Icey likey. Nice job of cutting the branches back nice and wide. Trail wicked fast and we are loving it. That last section of trail (15 miles or so) into Scerie 54 is ridiculous and very delicious. If you don't like this here then give up sledding. 
    On into the Sawmill. Nice to see lots of Action here this year. It was a ghost town last year with just the caretaker for gas on site. This year it's full on as a camp for the forest workers. We arrive at 12:15. Was worried maybe guy for gas was on lunch break but he came right down to the pump. Gas is 1.47 a liter. Cash only like always and they have no change. He has a chart to tell him how much it costs for all the different amounts(liters). I ask the guy about traffic today. He say two went north earlier and before them two went south. We are 4&5 for the day. Wow wicked scary to think the tracks i saw were headed south I would have bet my life they were all northbound. I do not get it. Why is it these people have a giant trail and ride down the middle. Makes zero sense to me. 
    To be Continued. After Happy Hour. 
    Sleds in Roberval right where we can see them.

    93 north (note the tracks right up the middle) 2 were headed south

    Looking South (keep right for crying out loud)

    gas Sciere 54

    Been there....

    The gang is taking the Lunch in the Cafeteria. 

  17. Like
    snowfarmer reacted to revct1 in 2017 RDL Conditions   
    Another morning and it is time to ride.  We have to hit the Powerball so we  can do this all winter!
    Heading back now.  We are going to Hotel Bernieres for tonight.  We load up and since we rode out 5 we will go back part of the way on 35.
    We leave the Universal and head out trail 5 to Club les Adventuriers and turn right.  This has all been groomed.  When we turn after the clubhouse, Sandi is the first track on the fresh trail.  A few miles down the trail and all of a sudden I see Sandi's brake light come on.  I let off and see a deer running ahead and away from Sandi going down the trail.  It doesn't take him long to find a place to dive off into the bush.  Sandi picks up speed and continues on.  We run out the 10 or 15 miles and take the little connector to trail 526 and then 35.  Sandi is kicking up the snow dust now.
    A few miles from Club les Explorateurs on 35, Sandi's brake light comes on again.  As I round the corner I see a big moose trotting down the trail in front of her.  The four legged animals are out today.  I slowly go around Sandi and stay back but keep pace with the moose.  This may take awhile.  He doesn't seem interested in jumping off the trail into the deep snow.  He's cruising along at 10-12 mph.  The trail is so nice.  I don't want to go this slow.  The moose stops and looks back at me.  Oh oh.  I better stop too.  I'm keeping my distance.  Sandi is stopped behind me.  The moose stands there for a minute and then turns away and starts trotting down the trail again.  As I pull up, I noticed a big yellow stain in the middle of the trail where the moose stood.  Hmm.  Marking the trail as his trail.  We come to a long straight away.  I stop at the top of the hill to give him some room.  I can see him looking from side to side.  Finally he jumps off to the left and into the deep snow.  Good.  Now is our chance.  We pick up speed and pass by the moose.  Overall it was about 1 1/4 miles that we followed the moose.  Close enough to keep him moving but not so close to aggravate him.
    We cross the street at the clubhouse, get on the rail bed and roll on.  This part of the trail wasn't groomed last night but probably was the night before.  It is still so good.  Every now and then I fall back away from Sandi and test out the sled.  This is fun!  The gas mileage isn't going to be as good today but that's OK.  I just don't want to see another moose for a surprise.  Not to far from Tourville, the trail was groomed last night.  This is even better.
    We stop at Tourville for a break and a little lunch.  Its early and we are the only sleds here.  We say hi to Reggie.  He usually pumps the gas there and speaks good English.  Always nice to see a familiar face.  By the time we leave, a dozen sleds or so have pulled in.
    We get back on 35 and start rolling again.  All fresh groomed with only a few tracks on the trail.  At 551 we turn right to go to Montmagny to the Ski-Doo dealer.  I know you four strokers are going to laugh but I've got to get a liter of oil to get me back to Valcourt tomorrow and this dealer is on the trail.  I brought 2 liters with me but we have put on more miles than I thought we would.
    I put the oil in and we stay on trail 5.  When we get to the junction with 543 near St Raphael, we decide to take 543 for a change.  We haven't been on this trail in a long time.  It is much different than 5.  This is almost all open fields.  Not bad today but on a windy day it would be hard picking out the trail I bet.  In St Charles we pick up 5 again to 75.  Again this is all very good shape.
    At one of the road crossings in St Etienne, there are two sleds on the other side of the road facing us.  Two people standing next to the sleds with bright safety green vests on.  As Sandi crosses the road, one off them holds his hand out to stop her.  It is the Levis police.  He looks at her sticker and the CT plate and motions her on.  I pull up and he smiles at me.  I recognize him from last year.  We have been stopped by them a couple of times before and he remembers the CT plates.  I chat with them for a minute or so.  As I leave, I'm thinking to myself "What a tough job going out on the company snowmobile and getting paid for it!"
    We finish up the day pulling into Hotel Bernieres and checking in.  Time for supper and a good nights rest.  One more day on the trail tomorrow to go back to Valcourt to the truck.
    Jack & Sandi
  18. Like
    snowfarmer reacted to viper2 in Mission Aborted   
    Back home in PA, last 2 days of the trip were pretty rough. Only place we could find rooms Saturday night was Shawinigan only 85 miles from Le Cabanon. We leave Le Cabanon a little late in no rush and head down 23. Decide to go down to St. Come and check out the ice sculptures. Leaving there the signs were poor and we head the wrong way on 349 for about 10 miles. The trail is so twisty it is hard to tell which direction we are going. We turn around and head back and find the trail take 349 all the way past Lac Blanc and onto 23 then 23 into Shawinigan and to the Governeur Hotel. 196 miles for the day but almost all was rough, lots of traffic and getting tore up from the mild temps. Sunday we hit the trail early making tracks for the trucks in BSP. First 100 miles was pretty good the throttle jockeys partied hard and slept in I guess. Took a combination of 3,351,302,23 and some local trails until finally staying on 3. Trails great early but were terrible by lunch. The Quebec City area is ridiculous anymore with all the dual use ATV trails literally mush from the side by side rototillers. 378 into BSP was full of 2-3 foot rollers, just too warm for the traffic. You know it is too warm when you see the guys out with the ultra low windshields, wind breaker snowboard gear and motocross helmets. Had just shy of 1400 miles for the trip all in all pretty good considering the last minute change in plans. There is lots of snow everywhere and with the cold temps back now is the time to get there 
  19. Like
    snowfarmer reacted to iceman in Adventures of Team Iceman   
    Okay then, ran into Chris from VT. He was experiencing technical difficulties with his sled. Got towed 20 miles into L'Etape and was awaiting rescue from St. Raymond. Sorry to see a fellow QR broken down. But, cest la vie. Out of L'Etape and I was really struggling with what to do. I almost doubled back and down 369 to Beauport. But decided to push on up 23. To this point trail was super. After L'Etape until Apica it was not great. Really used up, we soldier on. As we pass Apica things greatly improved this section has been groomed much more recently. We hammer it and stop at 368 intersection. For a quick chat. Decisions Decisions. We are all dressed up and no place to go. 23 looks better so onward to Hebertville. Through Presbytre and across the Lake. We take gas at Petro 🇨🇦. Now more choices. It's 4pm mmmm? Alma or Roberval. Neither one of us ready to call it yet. So its 83 to Roberval. First part is unreal very fricking sweet. After the ice crossing and on the way to Chambord is a warzone. What the hell? This section is like no mans land it always is whooped out and used up. They must groom this just twice a month. Crazy. Trail is junk all the way to jct of 355. Then it is back to lovely, frozen flat and fast. 83 to 373 is super and we roll on into Hotel Roberval at 6:15. 315 miles today. 
    Funny cause both Montana GPS were reset in my driveway this am. Mine reads 508km for the day, Snohorse Gps same exact one says 360 miles? Whats up with that he followed me the whole way. Strange. His Odo on the 1200 says 315 miles, 508 km is 315 miles. So what gives?
    we shall see where the trail leads us demain. 

  20. Like
    snowfarmer reacted to revct1 in 2017 RDL Conditions   
    This morning it is sunny with a few wispy clouds in the sky.  Today is a good day for riding.  Some days are better than others and today might just be one of those better days.
    A look at the groomer map and it shows a lot of the trails were groomed overnight.  We decide to go back across the mountain and maybe take 35.  We head out on 587 west.  This trail wasn't groomed last night so there's some fluff.  As we approach the top of the mountain, I see tracks where the groomer from the La Redemption side turned around.  Yipee!  

    Trying to load pics but I can only load one.  I'll have to check to see what am I doing wrong.
    As we descend the west side, we take 579 which is also groomed.  This is fine.  We stop at Les Hauteurs to top off the tanks.  I don't know this area real good and I'm not sure what stations are open on Sunday.  We take 579 to 5 to the junction with 35.  35 was previously 548.  Trail 35 looks perfect.  
    Let me break away for a second.  Have you ever been in a boat on a lake early in the morning before any wind comes up and the water is dead still?  You ride along in the boat and it is as smooth as silk.  Well today we are in that boat, it is a snowmobile.  And the lake is trail 35.  This is spectacular.
    35 is going to take us to Squatec.  A few sleds approach every now and then but it is relatively quiet for traffic.  We haven't been on this trail in a long time and I'm wondering why.  The lesser traveled trail sometimes turns out to be a jewel.  Sandi is cruising along in her own world.  She loves this type of trail.  35 is a mix of rolling hills and gentle curves.  Precious!  This is one of our best rides in a long time.  Many other trails have been great but every once in awhile everything comes together and the ride becomes really special.  This is one of those.
    At Squatec we take 571 to 544 west.  Only one very small section that wasn't groomed.  We then take a short local trail over to 85 and then into Universal RDL.
    What a great day.  This year is turning out to be fantastic.  Come on up and get some miles on those toys of yours.
    Tomorrow we go to Hotel Bernieres.
    Jack & Sandi
  21. Like
    snowfarmer reacted to ckf in Welcome Hotel Lac Carling   
    I'd like to welcome Hotel Lac Carling as our newest advertiser here on QuebecRider.com.

  22. Like
    snowfarmer reacted to RoadRunner in 2017 RDL Conditions   
    Jack and Sandi, Great report and always an adventure,  Certainly know that feeling of gear coming off the back. Not sure if you have checked these straps out but they are the best. In addition to the normal tie down procedures, I always have a couple of these going over the top as a safety back up.  They actually are really good as the primary tie down strap as well. Very well built, rugged and they work.
    Enjoy your trip, and keep those great reports coming
    Happy trails

  23. Like
    snowfarmer reacted to viper2 in Mission Aborted   
    Martin at hotel complexe Pelchat came to find us to tell us to get out of Dodge lol he said the snow could be measured in feet and he wouldn't groom until at least Thursday so our decision was easy. We woke up this morning and made tracks up the Pelchat trail for Mt. Valins. Wasn't groomed recently but nice. Gassed at Chappelle then had lunch at Valinouet at The Bistro. Continued on 93 to Alma for the night. Thought I posted this once but never seemed to go through
  24. Like
    snowfarmer reacted to doonali in First run 2017   
    Left Maniwaki at 1:30 on Wed. 19th hit devils mountain and on to Mekoos for the night. 
    Thur. up 53 to 33- 13 to 83 trails freshly groomed and fast. Saw five different Lynx on 53 pretty amazing! Lunch in Parent and onward across 83. Just before Windigos turn off we saw two moose.. What a day! Windigo for the night.
    Fri. 83 to Relais 22 faaaast! fuel and head down 73 -355 -360 -345 to Le Cabanon for the night. Overall trails held up good. Esp. 83-360. LaTuque was wet with water holes.
    Sat. 63 groomed to perfection after SMDS through the reserve. Half way through my buddy noticed a bearing race/ring on his foot board.. not good.. Inspection found it to be the jack shaft bearing.. 2017 Pro S Switchback.Decided to try to ride it out hopefully making it out to the west side at Red River a lot closer to our rig than heading back to SMDS luckily he made it to the RR grade and finally she let go shearing the jackshaft completely off!! Dropped a pin and left the sled and onward to Maniwaki on a mushy 53-local-324-63. 1.5 hr trip back up to retrieve sled and back in town by 7:30. Could have let go in a lot worse places.
    830mi. 3 days and change.


  25. Like
    snowfarmer reacted to iceman in heard a rumor   
    Letter from a Farmer in St Maurice. This guy gets it. 

    I am writing today expressing my great disappointment in the choice of the means of pressure that the Union of Agricultural Producers (UPA) has made recently.
    Indeed, the decision to boycott the snowmobile trails on our land makes me jump a lot and this leads me to ask several questions.
    I would like to share with you those that are part of my reflection.
    Do you think we are targeting the right people by opting for this? Do not you think that penalized people will be our own customers?
    Indeed, the snowmobile relays that serve our products will be the ones who suffer the most. Is it really on them that we have to exert that pressure? Do we really want to make them suffer?
    I believe we should be loyal partners to those entrepreneurs in our regions who are dependent on our actions.
    Moreover, we will tarnish our image towards the fans of this sport, who are also our customers.
    Are we truly logical and true partners when making our choices?
    We should make it our duty to be positive actors in the economic development of our regions.
    Where has our solidarity and gratitude for our customers gone?
    My goal today is simply to inspire reflection to ensure that our choice is logical and thoughtful.
    Good snowmobile season, dear customers!
    Mario Massicotte
    Agricultural Producer
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