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Mid Range

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Everything posted by Mid Range

  1. Well, let's cross our fingers Towing.Some regions are more affected than others.For instance, in my area it will be business as usual as the few farmers we have gave us the green light and the further north you go, we are on crown lands.
  2. In a nutshell.....I think Groomer,you are brushing a good picture of the situation.Québec Government wants to impose cutback to the farmers's insurance but they don't agree and taking us as hostages in order to force the Government to step back on its decision.
  3. I am following the situation on a daily basis. This morning on my way to work, I heard on the radio that Québec's Premiere is ready to listen to the farmers.We will have to wait and see what the outcome will be. In the meantime,as a result from last weekend meeting in Saguenay Lac st-jean region, some local clubs have put their trail pass sale on HOLD for now. I have been reading many articles on this whole issue and the farmers in Saguenay-Lac-St-jean seems to be the ones who are fighting this very strongly.
  4. Provincialwide except for very remoted areas such as lower north shore for instance where snowmobiling is a way of transportation. As for populated areas and/or residential areas.There will be some sort of a mechanism where municipalities will get the possibility to apply the law or not accordingly.
  5. As reported in the Journal de Montréal......Transport Minister Norm McMillan will be tabling that Bill today,Oct 27 2010,at the National assembly but this curfew will be altered. The curfew will now be between midnight and 6 a.m.It will not be applied this coming season but for 2011-2012 season
  6. The curfew and the farmers issue are 2 different things.I can live with the first one but as we speak,if the Government of Québec sticks to his position.The Farmers across many regions in Québec will block any access to their lands to off-road vehicles including us.Even the dairy farmers from Saguenay Lac St-Jean are joining this movement.
  7. It says in the article above that municipalities will have the last word wether or not they will apply this law(should it be passed) within their territories.In other words....it will be up to them to put this law in place or not. But in the meantime.....there is a much more important issue that the Government must deal with:THE FARMERS!!!
  8. according to an article found on the internet...Saguenay Lac-St-Jean will join the boycott movement by not allowing any access to their lands to protest against the Québec government. here's the story.....unfortunately it is in french. Boycott: le Saguenay embarque! jeudi 16 sep, 14 h 37 SAGUENAY-LAC-SAINT-JEAN (RC) - La menace qui pesait depuis plusieurs semaines sur les sentiers de motoneiges dans les secteurs agricoles est finalement mise à exécution. La Fédération de l'Union des producteurs agricoles (UPA) du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean a décidé, mercredi, de ne plus accorder de droits de passage sur les terres des producteurs aux clubs de motoneiges et de motoquads. Les agriculteurs dénoncent depuis un an les nouvelles règles de l'assurance stabilisation des revenus agricoles (ASRA) de la Financière agricoles du Québec qui font en sorte que le quart des producteurs les moins efficaces seront éliminés du calcul de la moyenne pour établir le montant des compensations financières auquel ils auront droit à compter de 2011. Les producteurs ont fait plusieurs moyens de pression au cours des derniers mois, sans réussir à faire fléchir le gouvernement du Québec. Le président de la fédération régionale de l'UPA, André Fortin, se dit conscient des désagréments de leur décision, mais il affirme que les agriculteurs n'ont pas le choix. « C'est l'ultime moyen de pression, on a rencontré nos maires, on a rencontré les députés, nos ministres, on a rencontré les représentants de la Financière, on a remis une pétition à Québec, on a fait des communiqués de presse, des conférences de presse, on a fait quelques manifestations, des témoignages de producteurs et le gouvernement n'a pas l'air de nous entendre, il ne veut pas nous écouter donc c'est le moyen qu'on avait à prendre, il fallait monter la pression », affirme M. Fortin. Compréhension des motoneigistes Le président régional de la Fédération des motoneigistes du Québec, Jacques Goulet, mentionne que les représentants de l'UPA ont rencontré les clubs de motoneigistes et de motoquads mardi pour expliquer leurs revendications. Il admet que le boycottage des sentiers de motoneige est pratiquement le seul moyen de pression des agriculteurs, mais espère un règlement le plus tôt possible pour éviter que la saison soit compromise. « À ce temps-ci, à l'arrivée des températures un peu plus froides, les clubs de motoneige préparent les sentiers, font du débroussaillage, mais si tu ne peux pas aller dans les sentiers, [...] si ça ouvre trop tard, les sentiers ne seront pas vraiment beaux », souligne M. Goulet. La Fédération de l'UPA en Abitibi-Témiscamingue a également décidé au cours de l'été d'interdire l'accès à leurs terres aux amateurs de motoneiges et de motoquads. http://qc.news.yahoo.com/s/16092010/3/regional-terres-agricoles-acces-interdit-aux-motoneiges.html
  9. Why snowmobilers??? I would assume it is a manner of putting pressure on the Government so they're holding'em by the balls.too early to tell if this movement will be followed Provincialwide but I can tell you that one farmer in my area has already giving permission to our local club any access to his lands. The FCMQ has issued a Press release regarding this.It's on the french version of their website.It mainly says that FCMQ is deeply worried of their decision unlike 2005 where she was supporting the farmers.You don't bite the hand that feeds you(Government)
  10. There are some rumors up here in Québec that farmers are talking of a possible movement that they will block any access to their properties to snowmobilers next season.Again it is a battle between some Farmer's union against the Québec government where the snowmobilers will be taken as hostages.There is a press release but unfortunately it is french but it gives you a good grasp of the situation. http://www.laction.com/Actualites/2010-07-15/article-1569937/Les-agriculteurs-en-colere/1 Le Syndicat des producteurs de cultures commerciales de la région de Lanaudière, Outaouais-Laurentides (SPCC) menace de mettre sur pied un vaste mouvement de boycottage de l'accès des sentiers de VHR et motoneiges. Ce moyen de pression est présentement à l'étude et pourrait être effectif si la Financière agricole et le ministre québécois de l'Agriculture refusent de réviser leur décision à l'égard des mesures de resserrement au programme assurance stabilisation des revenus agricoles (ASRA). L'ASRA est un programme d'une importance capitale pour les agriculteurs puisqu'il garantit un revenu annuel net aux entreprises. Une compensation est versée lorsque le prix moyen de vente d'un produit est inférieur au revenu stabilisé. Les mesures de resserrement du programme auront pour conséquence que seuls les producteurs les plus efficaces reçoivent des compensations. Plusieurs agriculteurs craignent le pire. «Ces mesures auront des impacts négatifs et ne pourront que mettre en péril bon nombre d'exploitations agricoles», soutient le président du SPCC, Gilles Brisson. Le Syndicat est cependant bien décidé à ne pas se laisser faire. «S'il est jugé, tel qu'exprimé par le ministre de l'Agriculture, M. Claude Béchard, que les budgets de la Financière agricole représentent un bar ouvert et qu'il faut maintenant y mettre un terme, alors que dans plusieurs secteurs de production de l'agriculture québécoise, la situation va de mal en pis, le bar ouvert de l'accès aux terres agricoles sera également chose du passé», assure Gilles Brisson.
  11. Just read an article in french over the web and Relay 22 is ok as of today (June 21st) but the owner has to shut down (Temporary) the place as road access north of it is closed.First time in 66 years the place has to be closed. There is still a huge fire burning in the area.Fire came as close as 17 kms from the 22 but now fire is 31 kms from 22.According to him,fire has a U shape and his place is right in the middle. This fire has 140 000 hectares in superficy.
  12. onatchiway snowmobile club got hurt pretty bad as 400 sleds went up in smoke along with one groomer.Sleds were summerized within cabins side by side.Every thing burned.Owners of these sleds were member of onatchiway private snowmobile club.
  13. We can smell it too in my neck of the woods......The owner of Relay 22 spoke last night on the news.He was crying and he is quite worry.Sprinklers were sets on top of the roofs.Let's cross our fingers.Fires are very close to his place.
  14. Wemotaci and Manawan Native reserve have been evacuated as well as Obedjiwan and Parent(partially).Remember how dry last winter was plus a dry spring.There we are.We saw quite a show last weekend at the camground.2 water bombers were called on a fire and they were loading up upon the lake in front of the campgroung.I can't beleive how strong these aircraft are.
  15. LA TUQUE, Que. Quebec is receiving help from several provinces and U.S. states in a battle against scores of forest fires that have forced 1,300 people from their homes. Maine, Manitoba, Massachussets and New Brunswick are sending firefighters and equipment to tackle almost 60 blazes across more than 38,000 hectares of forest. Fourteen of those fires are raging out of control. Crews and water-bombers are being sent in under a compact that covers the seven New England states and four Canadian provinces. Most of the fires have been caused by lightning from thunderstorms that accompanied record-breaking heat and windy conditions. A native reserve north of Quebec City, Wemotaci, has been evacuated. The Red Cross is helping the Quebec government handle the operation, and is relocating people by bus to the municipality of La Tuque. Shelter is being provided at a local school. Separate fires in the western Quebec region of Abitibi-Temiscamingue are also burning out of control, but they haven't yet caused anyone to leave their home. http://www.ctv.ca/CTVNews/Canada/20100528/que-forest-fires-100528/ .....hopefully links will work
  16. Bienvenue Pierre sur QR......this is the place for True....Sledders!!!
  17. See you next winter Martin.Unfortunately, we haven't been able to go back up in Clova due to mother nature. have a great summer....
  18. Rich....Tanx for sharing this with us.Looks like you had a wonderful trip.I'm very happy for you that, finally,you've been able to pile up some good mileage up here in Québec.Patience paid off!!! twas my pleasure to helping you out with trail conditions thru the season.
  19. Balbuzard Sauvage is an outfitter located between Clova and Senneterre. Senneterre-Chibougamau is 220 miles (give or take) Senneterre-Quévillon is mostly a fast trail. north of Quévillon you're on the railroad bed mostly til Chapais.
  20. thanks for sharing.nice pics.Next time you should have a taste of Lépine road.
  21. This is Relais Michel Martel at the 83-386 jct.I've been told(while we were in Val d'Or) the 386 going to lac matchi-manitou was closed this year. Also that gas stop in Parent is the only thing I have in mind when we are getting close to Parent.Why???? ......cause my 950's Beer cans are waiting for me
  22. Near Chapais before hitting the railroad bed TQ 93 (Railroad bed) Motel Senabi in Senneterre Abitibi near La Sarre R307 towards Rivière-Héva Forestel in Val d'Or R386 in La vérendrye Park heading south towards TQ 63
  23. Here's a few pics JB Scott Lunic Central in Parent Relais 22 near St-Félicien R373 Between Scierie 54 and Chibougamau Motel Nordic in Chibougamau
  24. Thanks Brother for this wonderful trip.I really think we made the appropriate choice by changing our itinary.Let me know what happened with your chaincase.We came very close to get in deep trouble. I will post pictures once I get the chance.....
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