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Everything posted by iceman

  1. Zero point Zero http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=animal%20house%20zero%20point%20zero&source=web&cd=3&ved=0CDYQtwIwAg&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D2V3CfD8TPac&ei=IQjWUt2NA6HLsQSDkoDYBQ&usg=AFQjCNGnyFgeRSElF09nh13nc6XswD5ZXg&bvm=bv.59378465,d.cWc
  2. I know Markusvt and Dooright used it a few weeks back with their group and it was great. Actually I am trying that run Tmmrw and will let you know how it goes.
  3. Its only Jan 12 I think its safe to say there will be more Snow. i did not say we need to "throw in the Towel" but things will need to improve to be rideable. There's tons of snow for sure, even here still, but on the trail where it was groomed flat and frozen rock hard from the past cold we have had, and no new signifigant snow for a while now, and with the rain it's gonna freeze solid once the cold gets back and be a sheet of Ice. Its no where near over. Just on hold at least near here. i am sure other areas where it rained less will be just fine.
  4. St Donat seems like the only conditions updated. I believe you will see quite a few others change to closed by later today or Tommorow when they update. Took a beating here.
  5. ALOT more rain here in Shawinigan then last Week. Also last week it started as snow then turned to rain. This was a little freezing rain then all out Rain. 38F here now i got almost 1" of Rain here at my house. Trails are most likely listed as closed so the geniuses do not go out and tear up the Base which is soft now from the rain. Too soft to groom anything for sure. I am fairly sure there was much less rain up north from here but it did rain some pretty much all over. Saguenay is probably the best bet. Here will need more snow to bounce back for sure. Good news is I have not seen any Sleds or Quads pass by on the trails so lets hope people are smart enough to let things freeze back before it gets torn to nothing.
  6. Not Good here. Maybe further north got less rain and did better but here is gonna be finished till it snows some good amount for sure.
  7. Ok thanks. i Wish it was very little here.
  8. How much Rain where you are there Bill?
  9. And then.....one day it started raining..... That's all I got to say about that.
  10. 32F Had Freezing Rain earlier Rain Now. How much will be the question. One forecast calls for up to 35 mm of rain. Time will tell.
  11. I'll probably be Parkin it for that weekend. Too many Rookies. Or I will be in the Bush.
  12. There needs to be consequences. Say if you get caught, boom, automatic suspension of drivers liscense for 6 months. And if you have a trail pass its revoked. No trials, no appeals. $1000 fine on top. Simple.
  13. Google translate this.....idiots http://www.journaldequebec.com/2014/01/07/des-motoneigistes-causent-des-dommages-aux-terres-agricoles-2
  14. Yes this is no Hoax. Rain is coming again for the weekend. Not gonna be pretty. The last storm at least it started as snow here, do not think it will be like that this go around. Rain looks pretty widespread throughout too. Even up north.
  15. Give me a P..... P Give me a I.....I Give me a C......C ....you get the hint? What's that spell? PICTURE.....or it did not happen.
  16. Here's the deal. I just hung up from Peter at Lac Fallon.TQ83 to Seneterre yes closed, they surfaced the first run and discovered a giant washout 6' deep 10' across. The are supposed to send an excavator in to fix it he said he hopes this week. Not sure. Plenty of snow there he says. TQ 83 Balbazard to Clova closed too. They have 25KM plowed thru there for logging. He has not spoken to Domenic in Clova but says they were supposed to be done logging and the surfacer will do what it can. No word on that yet.
  17. When you say west on 83 you mean thru relais 22 and out to Seneterre? Then up 93 to Chiboug? It's still almost 2 weeks out so things should get better. Last I heard 83 was still closed out west going to Seneterre. Again I am sure it will change before you go. I think you will be OK.
  18. I got a friend working driving Mega-Load off road logging trucks in Chibougamau/Chapais, he just returned there yesterday from the holiday vacation. I should hear from him soon on conditions there. When he left before break he said there was some riding but not as much snow up there as in Saguenay and the south. There were locals riding but he said it was not as far along as everywhere else down south. All I got right now.
  19. Gouin for sure a great place. Nice people and well worth the ride up there.
  20. Jan 7 7F cold back in charge. 37F yesterday & 7F now. quite a swing. Got Ice?
  21. Nice Run guys. Interesting the gas info at Wemo. Something to keep an eye on. The 355 near Lac Edouard where it makes the hard left, straight is nice but if they are logging there not far down turns into a very sanded road. For sure the logging was shut down for holiday break if they are working there. Pipemaster I have stayed in the Cabins at Gouin and they are just fine. Nothing fancy but clean and comfortable.
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