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Everything posted by hparaptor

  1. Map of the trails, courtesy of Google Earth, posted below.
  2. Not bad. Hope it gets here soon...
  3. Congratulations to JG and his family. Thank you for sharing the photographs.
  4. Thank you for posting the pictures, JG. The "bunkers" near the runway were a nice find.
  5. Gratz on the new ride. You won't regret moving to a 4stroke, no worries, no smell, no more oil. Gas and go. Have fun!
  6. Welcome to the site. Lots of good people and advice here.
  7. Forget the distance, but figure around 300 miles, and yes, it is possible as we did this during our cannonball ride two seasons ago. It is possible to stay at relay 22, its more like a truck stop with 3 or so beds to a room. Lookup cannonball in a forum search for details
  8. Thank you for posting the links Mark. Is anything similar available for the atv trails? I have an old Magellan GPS that I use with my Raptor during the summer and fall months. Could add the map to the nuvi and use that instead.
  9. Need to look at other options... should be able to find something on sale for next season. Buying another battery since mine is over 5 years old. Cheap insurance...
  10. Good to see you have it sorted out.
  11. Looks like I will be buying one of those booster packs. Was skeptical until I saw it in action.
  12. Sorry to hear. Hope you can still get a ride in
  13. Great ride, but wish those snow drifted fields were better. Someone had to stuff the sled, glad the farmer was there to help out. Many thanks to him and his family for helping out.
  14. No issues with edl. Have a Canadian work visa and use that in conjunction with passport. Crossing into Canada is fast and easy.
  15. Forgot about the topology of the Rush. Thanks for pointing it out. Guess I will need more training on body layout of German vehicles. Will make it a point to take a refresher course next time I visit Stuttgart...
  16. Sorry for missing this thread... Hope everyone had enjoyed the holidays with their famlies.
  17. Will check a few shops. Wish me luck...
  18. Bought a fuel pack jr from Koplin. Nice, durable container, with a 1.5 gallon capacity. Plan on using this during my summer/fall ATV rides. Just need to figure out where to mount it on a Raptor... Might need one of those brackets JG manufactured. The Ski-doo has a 3 gallon jerry can mounted above the tunnel. Stock can from my MXZ sled which was retrofitted to fit the XR. Glad I have it, but have never needed it for myself - as I only used it to refuel a few friends with Yahamas. Phil, nice 928. Gots a vintage silver 944 in my stable. Headache to work on, but fun to drive when working.
  19. Wow. Sorry to hear. Hope for a quick recovery, Brion
  20. So sad. My thoughts and prayers to the family.
  21. If this warm weather keeps up, I'm converting my sled to this
  22. Freezing rain? Would rather see snow! Keeping fingers crossed.
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