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Everything posted by PLAYHARD

  1. OK cool! Tomorrow/Tuesday it is!We're going to play around between Carlton and the 587 and maybe some of the locals if time allows. But we noted that our favorite place across from Motel du Vallon closes @ 7:00, so we better plan to get in by 5:00 to get hosed off and get together @ 6:00. Or... "Plan B" (B is for bacon of course), if there's a place you prefer toward Amqui? How was it landing that space ship with no suspension?!
  2. Murdochville school bus. Kids can't get a break. But they can ski back home!
  3. Bacon Pizza Time Professor! Which day do you think would be best to enjoy lunch or dinner with you in Causapscal? We're planning and plotting. We can make it to you either Tuesday or Wednesday. You're choice!
  4. REDONKULOUS up here! Full winter conditions. All 3 days so far all groomed hard n flat with plenty of cream cheese on top and a few inches of fresh falling right now. So yes MXZ7000, for sure it WILL be good (at least on the interiors) 2 weeks from now!
  5. Trailblazer checks one off the bucket list! After many years as a Quebec Rider and multiple visits to Perce, never got to see the rock in daylight/non-blizzard!
  6. Yeah huh! We're at the (Grande Vallee) beach!...
  7. Hi groomer Bacon pizza with you wed. Night? Will you be around?
  8. https://www.google.com/search?q=happy+wife+happy+life&hl=en-US&prmd=ivns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiy0Zjzr87LAhVqmYMKHcPiB1YQsAQIDg
  9. Watch your mirrors for Team Iceman! RDL to St Anne Saturday...
  10. "excitement in the air, the town is bustling"... You so CRAZY!
  11. Real reports from QuebecRiders is the best Grooming updates website is handy: http://fcmq.viaexplora.com/carte-motoneige/index.html Then, when in doubt, call the lodging and ask how many sleds (or trailers) are in the parking lot?
  12. We spoken Alain as always! On all 5 points! Mrs. Iceman has always been our hero, and Mrs. Trigger riding with a busted hand (and sending you guys back out to ride) earns full lifetime membership! Wishing bonne santé rapide!
  13. Casino is a classic, outdoor pool is awesome for kids of all ages, if the trails hold up there's 200 miles of goofing off (dead ends & figure 8's) on the locals & 377 & 378 & 3. Plenty for 2 days with the young'uns on the back. If snow gets too thin by the seaway and Bill's Paradise holds up (http://www.quebecrider.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=4007) the Delta is a must to visit the Guru, but this place nearby has walk-out rooms connected to the indoor pool, and the whole area has great access to lots of options: CENTRE DE CONGRÈS ET HÔTEL LA SAGUENÉENNE 250 Des Saguenéens, Saguenay G7H 3A4 800 461-8390 418 545-8326 www.lasagueneenne.com
  14. Just spoke to Roland, no gas but no problem with rooms & chow.
  15. Check the grooming reports before going out... Go to: http://fcmq.viaexplora.com/carte-motoneige/index.html Click "Services" in the upper right corner Click Delai de serfacage (and whatever other "Attraits" you want to see) Click "Fermer" to close the drop down box If you switch the view from Carte (map) to Satellite, youll see the Whites (those havent been done 3+ days) THEN HEAD FOR THE GREENS & YELLOWS!!
  16. Check the grooming reports before going out... Go to: http://fcmq.viaexplora.com/carte-motoneige/index.html Click "Services" in the upper right corner Click Delai de serfacage (and whatever other "Attraits" you want to see) Click "Fermer" to close the drop down box If you switch the view from Carte (map) to Satellite, youll see the Whites (those havent been done 3+ days) THEN HEAD FOR THE GREENS & YELLOWS!!
  17. Gary! I had a old pic gassing up at the pelchat relay and it had today's date on it and for some reason I had the notion that we were saying you shouldn't pour your own gas on your birthday, anyway IT'S GOOD TO BE EARLY THEN!
  18. By the way... Happy Birthday to you! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸¸¸.• Dear Scooorrrpionnn Boooowwwllll! ♫♪*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪! Wishing you THE BEST birthday and only groomed trails ahead!
  19. Scorp! Congrats on not catching fire @ 50 miles! "Let's get this over with!"
  20. Sometimes my ‎OCD out-paces my ADD and I notice stuff. It looks like the sun is shining "thru" your skis? What kind are they and what do you think about them? I'm torn between the pilot tuners that are coming with the Yammis, and the Simmons that I've run for 15+ years.
  21. "Mashed potatoes" came to mind riding Mauricie, but that was a rainy Monday on Feb 1st! Thanks for keeping it real. Hopefully the nights stay cool like you said.
  22. Congrats! On the ride, and on joining the 50+ club! Now you might start to do what I do, when entering a club-house or relais look around and make sure there are dudes way older than you. So far so good. HBD!
  23. That last shot is cool! "Close the curtain, and keep the sun off the trails!"
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