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Everything posted by iceman

  1. Hell on Earth. No words can describe the loss so many have experienced there. Not to mention the scumbags who went in and robbed so many homes there while the people were under mandatory evacuations. What is wrong with people these days. Just not right.
  2. The Farmers will probably now want 2 million dollars over 3 years. Just to make sure they get theirs. Just saying.
  3. I'm not sure there is anything any of us can do. We could show up in force at the Annual Congress ofthe FCMQ in Charlevoix at the Manoir Richelieu its on Sept 20-21, 2013. Maybe a show of our unhappiness at the way we are used as puppets in this game of politics. They ask for more money for trail passes each year and we pay it, year after year. To just pull this shut down for next year is BS, and they should know it will likely be the beginning of the end for the FCMQ. One season with no trails and then the Gov't will just cut the funding altogether and then game over. I appreciate all the FCMQ volunteers, please do not get me wrong but the Politics here is just stupid. We just want to ride.
  4. Thanks Midrange for helping me understand, Lets hope this is settled and the threat remains just a threat and does not become reality. Every year is something different we are like hostages with no say in our fates.
  5. Midrange are you saying that Province wide 12 Regions out of 13 have voted in favor of not opening trails? Or Is it 12 out of 13 clubs in the Lac St. Jean, Saguenay and Chiboug-Chapais. I am thinking this is right. There are 21 regions I believe in all Quebec. I was under the impression it was just these 13 clubs within the FCMQ. Not Province wide. This is getting crazy,
  6. The FCMQ feels just the way you do, at least these clubs, that is their point. They intend to show how much no trails in these areas will impact the Revenue in the regions. Sounds like they (the clubs here) are heading to Disney too instead of opening trails, maybe Cuba.
  7. As of right now the 13 snowmobile clubs of Saguenay Lac St. jean and Chibougamau and Chapais have voted to not open their trails next season in protest and to send a message to the Gov't for refusing to contribute to the infrastructure of the trail system. They are serious and threatening to disrupt the tourism in their region to show how much effect no trails will have on their regions. They say they will retain their right of ways however will not open the trails or maintain them next season. Just Great. I fear its the beginning of the end. Let's hope not.
  8. ImprimerEnvoyer à un ami Commenter (0) Les Clubs de motoneigistes nouvriront pas les sentiers en novembre Archives Les clubs de motoneigistes membres de la FCMQ veulent forcer le gouvernement à investir dans les infrastructures du réseau de sentiers de motoneige. Ils menacent de ne pas ouvrir les sentiers la saison prochaine. Publié le 27 Mai 2013 Jules Simard Journal Nouvelles Hebdo Hiver 2013-2014 Sujets : FCMQ , Fédération des clubs , Transports du Québec , Québec , Dolbeau-Mistassini , Canada Dolbeau-Mistassini - Cest à lunanimité que les 13 clubs de motoneigistes du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean-Chibougamau-Chapais ont endossé les revendications de la Fédération des clubs de motoneigistes du Québec (FCMQ), de retenir les droits daccès de la saison 2013-2014 et de ne pas entretenir les sentiers pour la prochaine saison. Cest ce qua indiqué le représentant de la région au sein du conseil dadministration de la FCMQ, M. Bertrand Grondin, qui précise que le mot dordre de la fédération devrait être suivi par lensemble des clubs au Québec. « Nous nacceptons pas la réponse négative du ministre des Transports du Québec, M. Sylvain Gaudreault, qui refuse de contribuer pour 1 million $ par année à lamélioration des infrastructures des sentiers », commente M. Grondin. Dans un argumentaire rédigé par la Fédération, on précise que lindustrie de la motoneige cest 5 milliards de dollars annuellement avec des retombées pour le gouvernement du Québec de 200 millions $ annuellement. La fédération rappelle que lindustrie touristique qui relève de la motoneige est laffaire de bénévoles qui y oeuvrent depuis plus de 40 ans, sans que le gouvernement soit intervenu pour la soutenir. La situation des infrastructures pour la pratique de la motoneige dans les sentiers de la Trans-Québécoise demande des investissements de lordre de 27 millions $. Pour répondre à ces demandes, la FCMQ propose au gouvernement du Québec dinjecter 1 million $ par année pendant trois ans, la même chose au gouvernement du Canada, 1 million $ sera investi par la FCMQ et 1 million $ par les Clubs eux aussi pour les trois prochaines années. Devant le refus du gouvernement, les clubs membres de la fédération ont décidé de mettre de lavant une série de moyens de pression afin de faire changer la décision gouvernementale. Dès novembre, les clubs entendent ne pas ouvrir ni entretenir les sentiers, ce qui provoquera un impact négatif important sur lindustrie touristique hivernale au Québec. Coter Haut de page
  9. Some snow up in Mt. Valin and in Charlevoix as well. For a time saturday night the RT 138 was closed to traffic between Beauport and Baie St. Paul due to blowing snow and poor visibility. Hey mother nature save it for when we can use it please. Say like next January, Merci.
  10. To me it just seems useless to have these mounted so far toward the rear of the skid. I know there are others that mount in the same area but i just do not see how they do anything great being mounted back so far. Happy Summer.
  11. Riding Alone never the best Idea.
  12. Welcome ODog I'm iceman and I am a sledaholic. Welcome to the group. Once you experience the trails and riding here in Quebec, nothing else will be worth it. Especially for saddlebag trips. Sure you can go anywhere and get in some riding. But Quebec is where its at. For all those trying to convince others to come up and ride QC. Just don't waste your breath if they do not take your word on how great it is, then they just aint worth bringing up. Their loss.
  13. Hello, Suffering post season depression here. We started in Val d'Or Rode everywhere out there. It was awesome as usual. Not sure of any Condo type places like you are searching for. Someone else may have a better intel for you on that.
  14. What is that trick called? Looks easy to learn that one.
  15. Not useless at all Big. Merci.
  16. Sorry for not Explaining the Bingo better. We were out to ride every trail we could on the Map. Did them all but Part of 83 which i did earlier this year between Val d'Or and Royun Noranda. And 63 from 386 to Belleterre. Bingo!
  17. One of the best Seasons to date. For me 7690 mIles.
  18. Day 5 Amos to Val d'Or Bingo Imagine the most perfect trails you have ever ridden. You got it in your mind? OK now make it even better then that. That pretty much sums up this weeks conditions here in Abitibi. Absolutely out of this world. Perfect weather with a few inches of fresh snow each day. Zero traffic. We left Amos via the 307 south to TQ83 to Malarctic then Orange Trail (the best ones) down to 309. Up 309 thru Val d'or and all the way back up to TQ93 then to Barraute. Took the gas and lunch. Down 313 to Orange trail (marked also as 386) to Louvincourt and back to TQ83. TQ83 back to Val d'Or. Was a littlle rough trail near Malarctic on 83 just to keep us honest. All and all a great end to a great season. Plenty of good stuff to keep us going till next season. All good things must come to an end. BTW the shout out I gave to the Valleyfield guys for laying down the double yellow was complete sarcasm. You can check out their handiwork in the arcticle posted above by markusvt. We met these guys (minus the one who wrecked out) on Wed. While having lunch before we headed up to Matagami, they told us alll about the accident while sipping their beers, they said prior to the accident they just had 2 beers. They say it was not a factor, It was their friend that hit the guy pulling a toboggan in LaSarre. He got some stitches over one eye the other guy was in bad shape. We followed their tracks up toward Matagami and it was Scary to see how much they rode the middle over hills and every turn. Its just not right this guy who got hurt bad had to meet up with them. Black trail Saturday back to Shawinigan.
  19. Day 4 Matagami to Amos 396 out of Matagami direction Lebel I just got one thing to say "right click, add to favorites" smoking. (right on Trailblazer, twisty and up and down but we likey) Bit of excitement included but we will leave that to Playhard to explain. No injuries. Perfect trail all the way. Gas in Lebel then burning down the 93 toward Seneterre. Once again perfect. All fresh on top alot of fun. Headed back west at Seneterre on 93 toward Barraute took gas and had lunch. Continued on to Amos on 93. Was time for a bonus ride to start to work on our trail Bingo card. Passed thru Amos took 307 to Sainte Dominique-du-Rosaire then west on Orange trails and back around to return to 93. 93 back to Amos and call it a day. 280 miles today. Unbelievable conditions and very lonely out here saw no one till returning here near Amos then we saw total of 5 sleds near Amos. Winter is going on here. Somebody forgot to turn on the Spring heat and somebody left the snowmaking machine on. Love it. Thanks to our new friends the Arctic Cat guys from Valleyfield for laying down the double yellow for us.
  20. Indefinitely? Hmmmm maybe tough come July. Just saying.
  21. I think the bigger lesson shown here is why you should NOT follow too close to the rider in front of you, but hey do what you want. Me I like to see where I'm going not ride the taillight or helmet of the rider ahead of me. These guys were way too close together.
  22. Down but not out. Thanks to Playhard for the company on the black trail tonight, and for the spare bullet so the ride for me can go on. My sled is wounded but will recover. She is in stable condition and resting comfortably. Not her fault can not blame the sled for that issue today. That's snowmobiling. Back reunited with the full team together and ready for whatever comes at us next. Trails incredible. The clubs have in no way given up over here. As far as this snow storm goes I am thinking less is more. More better for us. Just a little bit here and not a major dump will keep it rolling nicely. Until next time. Out.
  23. We are West bound and down, loaded up and Sunday will be Trucking to Abitibi. This trip came together this week and is happening because the key is being, as Playhard said you got to be "flexible like Gumby". Iceman, Playhard, NHmoose and Snohorse are headed for 5 days in Abitibi. Were gonna miss Scorpionbowl and BillD for sure and wish they were able to join us. After some much needed TLC for the Ladies we are ready to ride. Gonna wing it and see where the trail takes us. Plan to ride mon-fri and return on sat. Weather looks great and I will report as we go. Just was not ready to call it over yet. Put me in coach I'm ready to play.
  24. Gotta love it! Sounds great Mark. Great time to enjoy the Trails and have them all to yourselves. Sweet!
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