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Everything posted by plain-rev

  1. Hey coldsmoke,I was gonna stop by to say HI, but pit admission was a little steep so I just waived. hahahah
  2. It looks like Devil's Mt. was upgraded between 1987 and 2003 I here this place no longer exists? I thought my silver plus was great. hahaha. looking back, it had the suspension of a saw horse.
  3. Hi iceman, you got a direct hit on both. I can't believe you guessed the second photo so quickly.
  4. Not Quebec but another great destination
  5. Hi je me souviens, I'll try a few, #1 somewhere on the 35? #2 le petite gare,Casey? #4 Kanawata and Casey fork? #7Relais 22?
  6. Hi Bill, who had more fun???? BE HONEST...your right, the museum is a great stop for a SD enthusiast.
  7. Bonjour Groomer, I see you put some moose candy out..hahaha I'm sure they enjoy that.Nice pics as usual.
  8. Hi rfm, some of those are pretty funny I've been searching (with no luck) for a translation joke that was posted years ago on hcs. It had english to french to quebecois translation of different words,cracked me up. Anyways keep them coming.
  9. Happy birthday Groomer, I forgot to get you a gift but I did tell le Pere Noel to bring you one of these..
  10. Here are a few pics from Sunday 2-24
  11. That's pretty good He posted another video of a girl pole dancing and landing on her head......
  12. markusvt, nice pictures...did you see Dave Asselin's trailer in St. Prime (north of Roberval)? when I was in Hebertville (auberge le presbyterien) I picked up a january issue of Motoneigist and was able to read Greg's story on why Americans snowmobile in Q.c. looks like you had a good time...
  13. Hi dooright, I did see plowed road on 369. But only on the southern section between the split for Lac du repos up to lac a chateauverte. I thought from Kanwata north through Casey and on to Weymontachie was good. The groomer from Casey did have a break down last wed. morning. I gave the operator and his two little dogs a ride back to Casey.
  14. 360 ouest from where it splits from 355 sud over to Marineau's in Mattawin was a disaster friday night. Trees down and broken limbs everywhere. With slow rain. :sad:
  15. Went through Weymontachie on wed. the 24th. and all was good. They had 8-10 inches of fresh snow as did relais 22.
  16. Great pics Snowfarmer, that's one of my favorite ares.
  17. Hi Jackstraw, Good question. I would think not having a vast pass wouldn't be a problem IMO. If it's only 4 miles and your going DIRECTLY to the border I hope an officer would understand. It may be possible to ask V.A.S.T. directly, try their website...
  18. Maybe the cop is just "doing his job". He got 100 complaints of snowmobiles in front of someones house, and you happened to be #101. I agree the officer should have been more understanding but that's not usually their strong suit. Don't let one bad experience change your plans. Speaking of bad attitudes, the border patrol (U.S.) could use some classes in public relations. When I go to Canada the patrol greets me with a smile and a "have a nice trip" then when I return HOME I'm treated as if I've done something wrong. I even make sure that I'm not wearing a turbine on my head.. :D '
  19. I personally have not tried them, but my uncle (my riding partner) has them on his mxz. He found that they do eliminate darting but the steering was very heavy. About mid season he ground the "fins" for a less agressive profile which helped but still hard to steer. He will be going back to regular carbides this winter..
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