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Everything posted by doo4adoo

  1. Actually the Monday forecast is the one to watch, showing 10-15cm, but we've seen this change before, still looking good
  2. Thanks for this report as well as all the others I have read and likely will read over the season. I know its time consuming and you continue to do so with lengthy reports that benefit us all and it is appreciated more than often is said. With luck I will be out in the next 2 weeks as well. Ride safe. Mike
  3. John Where are you getting all of these pic's, cams some where or friends in low places
  4. calling for some in this area as well early next week, picking up the new one Wednesday!
  5. In Ontario the building code is "proposed" to have all new homes built as net zero I believe in 20 years. Forget the date they told me. I understand some places in Europe they are starting developments like this as well. I know every 2-4 years the Energy Star criteria for new homes is increasing so houses are more efficient in heating, hydro and water consumption. A lot of these programs and initiatives will I'm sure me broadened to other areas as well. I know when I build my next house my goal will be efficiency given the ever rising costs. I'm not a tree ugger though I've cam close a few times on the sled but I like the way they are moving.
  6. Thanks I may try an\d fit it in the weekend of the gathering. Mike
  7. How far time wise is Martins from Clova?
  8. Once I get my new machine in the next few weeks I will be sending off my info as well for
  9. very nice, jealous, few words that come to mind
  10. I believe he posted some else that he is, send him a pm and he will fix you up. Great area to support.
  11. I think they have some in the clearance section still, nice but pricey
  12. Link is now on the site, can't seem to attach it. Like Linda said, $180 till Nov 1 www.OFSC.on.ca
  13. That would make it very nippy in there for sure! Honestly haven't asked him. I sure it will show up in all good time. As long as I have my vin in the next few weeks so I can get my permits before the increase I'm good.
  14. still waiting for sled, and snow actually will be patient for another few weeks or so long as there is no one posting trip reports
  15. For those that like something different or are use to icy nights anyways http://www.groupon.com/deals/ga-hotel-de-glace-2?p=5&utm_source=groupon_getaways&utm_medium=email&sid=d5d50e3b-6515-435b-99bb-d12deed82c60&user=39e0b6006d8f51f35e638187e18fbbed6f543e07aba25fde082b92a66b83cae0&date=20131008&s=body&c=image&d=getaways_deal I prefer the local comfort inn and use the rest for warmth at the ballet :)
  16. They need to off set the warrant claims, lol Actually most of these ebay listings show that price will be corrected when in stock. However i'm sure for that amount I can get you one tomorrow.....
  17. I will second that, nice trail as well.
  18. You can't put a price on the Quebec trails, I'm sure they will soon have a "priceless" commercial; on them
  19. I have one as well that I bought used and is a bit dirty. I am going to the new Linq system You should take Linda's though so we don't get into any conflicts on the site lol
  20. Linda is connected, I wouldn't question her on her sources That's great news and price as well. Thanks
  21. 92 New black double .750 backers. $115 US shipped lower 48 & Canada PM if interested Thanks Mike
  22. I stayed there a few years back when I took the family skiing. The trail is at the door. If you book early I believe there are some that have hot tubs. We booked at the last minute and took what we could get. Nice units well equipped. About 10 minutes by car to St Jovite, Didn't have my sled there that trip but likely about the same. I would recommend the place. Mike
  23. Buy early is now $300 and $360 thereafter http://www.fcmq.qc.ca/english/index1.asp?id=144 Mike
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