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Everything posted by GTSE800

  1. Hope you have a great day Bill! GTSE800
  2. The 1st one was taken back in November, A good forcast of the season ahead. And this one was taken on my last trip to PQ in late Feb.
  3. :sad: We feel so bad for you GKW :sad: all the trails and hotel, all to yourself!!! Enjoy!
  4. Found this video on u tube, test ride of the 2009 skidoo rev xp 4-tec 4 stroke at the swift diamond riders snodeo in march of 2008. It gives you a good sound of the motor. At the end of the video, I hear the rider say something about thinking 2 seconds ahead with the throttle? I knew there was something different how a 4 stroke response, is it engine breaking, or out of the hole.? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sW3PE_QZ0zI
  5. I got a picture of a deer on Sunday. Maybe they are related?
  6. Was not sure on the rer on the 4 stroke, maybe pre ignition would make it run backwards :wacko: Yea, you don't want to have to use the rer if you are in a hurry thats for sure, I found out the hard way. I had a 01 Grand touring with the 800 tripple, P-tec and the rer. The rer in that was much quicker, and all the lights stayed on while it was dooing it's thing, I thought it was pretty cool. Thanks GW
  7. Question on the 4 tec, does the reverse work the same as the 2 strokes rer or is it done manualy? they don't mention it on there web site.
  8. Great feedback GKW. After riding with all you Yammy guy's last month, I realy started thinking 4 stroke. I had rode the 08 TNT and GSX 600's, and for me, they would not work for touring at all, great ditch bangers for sure! Maybe because they was short tracks? When I got home I went online Skidoo.comand noticed they will have the 4 tec in a Renagade. You can also hear the sound of the motor on there web site, it sounds good. Pretty sure this will be my next ride. As for being a bit heavier, that would not bother me at all. Also I just got the 09 riding gear catolog, you can get heated seat cover for the XP's for 300 bucks! I agree 100% they keep on pushing the evelope!
  9. Bill, in my opinion, we should be thanking you, you make time, and help everyone in need! Thanks Bill. GTSE800 / Darryl
  10. Hey Bill, have you ever seen this place? ha ha!
  11. Hi Bill, Me and Lori was just talking about you on the way home from work. If we hit the PowerBall numbers tonight, we will be on are way there tomorrow for the rest of the season! Cheap dream for a dollar ay!
  12. I read an artical 2 years ago, a couple of guy's from ME, rode for 24hrs straight (In Quebec and ME) and did 1,000 miles, Whew! I guess it's great to be able to accomplish that, but I would be afraid I might not want to ride again? :sad: Too much of any good thing, is not good. :wacko:
  13. Hi Mikerider, glad to see you are feeling better, and back on the trail (s) to recovery!!!
  14. Bill, you are like the energizer bunny, you just keep going and going!!!
  15. Thanks Bruce, will hook up again next season with you guy's. I wish I had more time off this season, I would go again in a heartbeat!
  16. I dropped GKW off there to pick up his truck, it was like getting into Fort Knox.
  17. Same here, looking forward to it for sure! And welcome to quebecrider.com I seen the picture that 182ray posted of the sideways Yammie, did that just happen. Your smileing, so that's good. I had asked Gerry (GKW) if they tipped easy when riding on the side of a bank, like the doo zx's did. I guess so ay?
  18. Here is a short video of the Valin area trails. And another cool sight to see near the HI.
  19. Hey Bill, made it back to camp around 6:30 today. Had a great time riding with you and all the new people I met. Did Gerry make it back from QC ok with his truck and trailer? I dropped him off there at 12:30 today. Ask him how his brother liked using the heated coat. Also tell Scot, I wish I did try out his Yammi yesterday, they start up real nice when its cold out, it might be my next sled . ps I think Sandy and Judy did not want the sleds to start today. :D Its was Brrrrr. cold!
  20. Correct! we did go through some corners that thy had a burm in the center to keep people on there side of the trail. We broke the group in two today. Here are a few pic's from today. L to r, Bruce, I forgot the guy's name in the middle? (But a hell of a nice guy, and Scot. Lunch at the 31. The future plans for the 31, it will be a great place when it's done. I have a couple of video's I will post later.
  21. North side of Lac-St-Jean is in great shape, plenty of snow. The south shore is thin and icy in areas with ok to good conditions. Here are a few more pic's.
  22. Hey there Jean-Guy, looks as though you doo as much Plowing as you doo grooming! always lots of snow to work. You looking forward to spring yet? ha ha!
  23. Hey Bill, maybe Wayne could bring an 09 E-Tec there to show?
  24. I just arrived at the HI, and it looks to me there is plenty of snow, as Mr Gutz say's, Bill will fill you in. The plan for tomorow is to ride around Lac-St Jean. :o)
  25. Happy Birthday Bernard. Thanks for all the support and infomation you contribute to the sport. GTSE800
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