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  1. Today
  2. Will be no free weekend this season. Clubs Voted for it to be cancelled Quebec wide.
  3. Special deal to buy before October 31
  4. Last week
  5. and we worry about guys going off trail ...I'm speechless...WTF....only thing appropriate is a very quiet judge administering an extremely harsh sentence with almost nothing to say...this kind of bullshit has no place.
  6. Earlier
  7. I think we all have a good idea.........
  8. Was not lightning or mice with matches.
  9. Wow. Wonder if the structural steel was compromised from the heat. I'd like to think lightning, but I can't see the main steel structure not being the first to take the hit. You'd see those marks in the steel. Absolutely ridiculous that clubs have this to deal with.
  10. Peaceful Protest most likely
  11. Lightning? Maybe? or are we sure it was vandals? GutZ
  12. When they are found, they should be hung by their eyelashes to a hydro line and have their balls batted until they blink!
  13. I see it's at least showing on the app again - in red
  14. We drove to Relais 22 last ride of the season due to lack of snow, they had enough wood cut and stacked for 100 homes.
  15. It is a big system for private solar. Issue is solar performance drops considerably in the winter when these guys need it to work. You get 1/2 the daylight at our latitude which equates to half the power and then snowy days where the sunlight is reduced considerably. So I'd bet they've oversized to accomodate for that. When looking at these microgrid systems a big solar or micro turbine is tiny when you start into vehicle charging. That big 95 kw system would barely charge two cars with no other loads on it. The tesla super chargers are charging at rates of up to 300 kw.
  16. Found this. I know nothing about sizing solar but 95kw for them seems beefy
  17. This is good news. The price of diesel to run generators at these places must be astronomical. Relais La Cache is equipped with a large solar farm, not sure if they are self sufficient. I am certianly not a "greenie" but if these project reduce operating costs enough to keep their operations profitable I am 100% supportive.
  18. They'll need 10 of them to run viable electric charging. That or a big battery coupled with still 4 or 5 micro turbines. Wonder what size units they're installing.
  19. We will need that for our electric sleds
  20. 100 Lacs has some sort of hydroelectricity station as well .
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