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Everything posted by nyskidooerinnewhampshire

  1. Visited Sawyerville Hotel (Carol) this past Sunday February 8, 2015 from Pittsburg NH. We had a wonderful visit. We started in the Burg, entered Canada through Beecher Falls Vt and returned through Pittsburg. Th entire loop was approximately 120 miles. Sadly the signage was just that, "Sad" and or disappointing to say it lightly. It was snowing heavy all the time so it wasn't that easy to follow tracks of others or the groomed trail and or plowed roads. I suggest the local clubs take the initiative and post signs in both directions so they cater to the Americans who want to cross the border but are hesitant to do so because of the "unknown". In my opinion it is an e-z fix. Post it properly - and we will come, once again, as we did years ago. Please consider supporting Carole and her partner France at the Sawyerville Hotel..Tel # 819-889-2967. Carol described she and her partner purchased the Hotel from Andre and having put significant $$$ into the hotel since purchasing it. Americans that were visiting at the time I was, stated they have spent many nights there and described the rooms as being decorative, warm and a bargain at an estimated $69 CAD a night. Knowing this, I might just spend the night in the immediate future or with certainty next snowmobile season. Our lunch although basic was delicious.....1 BLT - One large beer + Hamburger - Fries - Soup - and small beer - $22 CAD + tip. For those who want gas a SHELL OIL gas station is conveniently located adjacent to the trail - two blocks from Hotel Sawerville. 30 + - miles from the Beecher Falls border crossing - snow covered farm fields and smooth trails makes it an enjoyable day trip. Visit http://www.fcmq.qc.ca/english/Regions.asp?idR=10 or http://www.bonjourquebec.com/qc-en/accommodation-directory/hotel/hotel-sawyerville_1144349.html Let us know if you venture out....Enjoy ! If you go ? Have Canadian Trail pass - Passport & snowmobile registration as US Customs will require you produce the latter two.
  2. Thank you for the replies. I Realized I posted in wrong section after posting thus I posted in the Chaudiere Appalaches but disappointingly many views but no replies to date as I write this. Any additional comments are welcomed. Paddy O
  3. Hello all. I was considering staying @ the Comfort Inn in Thetford Mines in Mid February 2015 with the wife and daughter. We will be riding over from Pittsburg. I was wondering how "tricky" it is to get to the Comfort Inn from the trail. The Comfort Inn receptionist stated after exiting the trail we would have to ride the sidewalk for a few streets. Because of her uncertainty how to access the Inn I am reluctant to commit to the Comfort Inn. I have previously stayed at the Balmoral a couple of times with the guys and find it easy to access but I am not crazy about the condition / decor of the hotel with the ladies. Of course if we have too, we will. Thanks for any input.
  4. Hello all. I was considering staying @ the Comfort Inn in Thetford Mines in Mid February 2015 with the wife and daughter. We will be riding over from Pittsburg. I was wondering how "tricky" it is to get to the Comfort Inn from the trail. The Comfort Inn receptionist stated after exiting the trail we would have to ride the sidewalk for a few streets. Because of her uncertainty how to access the Inn I am reluctant to commit to the Comfort Inn. I have previously stayed at the Balmoral a couple of times with the guys and find it easy to access but I am not crazy about the condition / decor of the hotel with the ladies. Of course if we have too, we will. Thanks for any input. Reply Report
  5. Well articulated and imo right on the $$$. Thank you.
  6. Spent Friday 1/30 & Saturday 1/31- 2015 riding to & fro Pittsburg NH to Thetford Mines. Trails were spectacular aside from questionable signage and long stretches on roads. Fortunately we had snow coverage at the time we rode the roads but if we didn't I could see the sleds might have had some issues related to carbides, sliders and heating/cooling. It is disappointing some must have violated the rules thus the long stretches on roads in lieu of rolling fields.
  7. I've never had an issue with the enhanced NYS DLIC. Have had one since inception. You might as well be uttering your passport as all your passport information is embedded in the bar code on the DLIC.
  8. R.I.P. ..Hoping the other persons injuries are minimal. Very sad....When / if you learn the facts please post. Thanks.
  9. O.M.G. ...Devastating to say it lightly ...R.I.P. OMG. ... Dévastateur à-dire à la légère ... R.I.P.
  10. Great closing remark…..bty, yes, work is slow toady, enjoy! What year were the photos taken. Thanks for sharing…Paddy O NY, NY , USA
  11. My two 2015 Canadian trail passes arrived today. The web purchase process was painless & effortless. With the snow falling in the many regions I am getting the itch. Braap… Paddy O
  12. I've had several Blizzards. No complaints on my end thus the repeat purchases when upgrading in size. My dealer www.traileroutlet.net is in Tilton NH - a few miles east of 93. Ask for the owner Joe, if it is not to far from you in Mass. Good luck. Have a great season. Paddy O
  13. In 2013 I ordered 2 identical 600 ACE RENEGADES, The 2 sleds were delivered at the same time but there was a difference of 25+ - when comparing the two vin #'s. Congratulations on your purchase. Safe riding.
  14. I just purchased two season 14-15 passes for Canada. $550+- US with the exchange rate. Although the web purchase was painless choosing the correct club to credit with the purchase was not so easy. IMO it could be explained a lot easier. After my frustration I chose a club associated with Thetford Mines as we often use that area as a destination for a single overnight trip when we choose to cross the border. Here is hoping we have the snow and I have the time to make the purchase worthwhile. We had such a wonderful experience last year riding from Pittsburg to Riviere De Loup. Hoping to do a number of day trips - Weedon & back, etc. Think snow!
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