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Everything posted by Signfan

  1. Anyone ever hear what the costs for this are and what the drop off / pickup locations are?
  2. My guess is no. Seems the owners gave up on the winter season.
  3. 2 - 3 hr lineup for fuel. Massive amounts of traffic.
  4. What makes you think the traffic will be down? With sales booming I've seen the opposite.
  5. Yep you can still ride. Just need some good oversized socks. Did it once myself about 15 years ago. On the surgery table on Tuesday. Back riding praying I didn't catch it on a branch on the side of the trail on Friday. Wishing you a speedy and full recovery.
  6. 20,000 km. That's not that much for that motor. First one I've heard of with motor issues. You think a snow plugged rad caused it to overheat and burn the head out leading to loss of oil? Or other way around with loss of oil from another issue coincidentally happening at the same time as your off trail adventure leading to overheating? One thing with the reliability of that engine there should be used motors available in the marketplace from wrecks. That really sucks that your trip ended in that fashion.
  7. So sick of the covid disputes on here. Find somewhere else to express your views. This is a forum for snowmobiliers to discuss snowmobiling. Nothing else. Don't like the rules. Write the Quebec politicians. Let's keep this forum about the sport we all love.
  8. Is there anywhere safe and secure to unload at in the Shawville area? Looking for somewhere to leave the rig for a daytrip.
  9. Yeti thermos work great too. Keeps a meal warm all day.
  10. Great idea. I found a few un a quick search. https://www.homedepot.ca/product/koolatron-12v-lunchbox-stove/1001235174?eid=PS_GOOGLE_D25 - CM_E-Comm_GGL_Shopping_PLA_EN_Tools_Tools_PLA_EN__PRODUCT_GROUP_aud-1004003206983:pla-558654466770&gclid=CjwKCAiA24SPBhB0EiwAjBgkhklnIZuE_8B2ebfSQS6EUoqnLF5O61Of_UBDj-YW-laqpfBQYeheOhoCm1wQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds https://www.amazon.ca/Zone-Tech-Heating-Lunch-site/dp/B07PBXK2HL/ref=asc_df_B07PBXK2HL/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=337116182081&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17210303780968316856&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9000653&hvtargid=pla-805548627114&psc=1
  11. Lol You think that's bad don't go to Abitibi Canyon in Ontario north of Cochrane. Two guys running out of a school portable that sits on a government plowed road. Rumor is $4 a litre this winter. Oh and they will serve you over priced chocolate bars and undercooked hot dogs off their BBQ. No kitchen to speak of.
  12. I think I'd be riding into Manawan to avoid that lineup. People don't realize it's only 30 km away. That's absurd.
  13. Anyone ridden in this area lately? Just looking for some Intel on current conditions.
  14. How is the traffic on the weekends in the area right now. The trails look exceptional in your pics. Just wondering if I should re-schedule our trip.
  15. Yep Put me in that camp too. I spent some time building oil sands mines in Fort Mac and am proud of it. Hope to be involved in building some metals mines in the future and let's be honest for this to go mainstream lithium needs to be replaced with a much more abundantly available material (copper, iron, etc). No I'm not an expert in this field, but it's common sense. Not all ppl that support this transition are left minded protectionists.
  16. Very true. I won't miss those stupid race cans.
  17. Adapt or die. All companies and industries go through it. This will be no different. I don't foresee missing the noise or the maintenance. 4 strokes made a huge improvement to the sport. This will too. Personally would be happy with a little less HP and a lot more range on these units. I don't think anyone doubts the charging infrastructure needs to get built before these go mainstream. The automotive sector will lead this for the majority of the locations we currently rely on for fuel. It will get built. The biggest issue with sleds and the trail network I see will be some of the remote outfitters that are currently running on generator off grid. It's probably only a cpl dozen locations province wide, but those will be the tough locations to address as running a charging station would double or triple their power needs. Larger generators? Or portable battery trailer to replace the current fuel truck? Outfitter drags it back and forth to civilization in lieu of a fuel truck coming in? Or do they add major solar with a large battery bank? Will be interesting to see what occurs.
  18. Thanks for the update. Decided to postpone. Lots of things to do at home until conditions improve.
  19. Any local updates? Did things survive yesterday?
  20. So the issues are fixed and things are open for this year? Or the funding is in place to have it ready for 2023?
  21. Now if only we could control the weather.
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