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Everything posted by Signfan

  1. Just have your hotel ring it off for you. Should be less work for them then selling passes.
  2. You are better to pay full pop and then submit for the rebate right away (same day). If you go this route your permit order isn't delayed and you don't get charged the admin fee.
  3. Yep 100% correct. Both of these trails should be open indefinitely and the park fees should be removed. Time to make things right after years of BS.
  4. Is the st faustin by-pass not opening this season?
  5. Saint Mochelle des Saints? Wow that's a large fleet.
  6. Not right in Parent, but Pouvoirie Fer a Chavel is a nice spot.
  7. Sounds like the club did their homework here though. They've worked within the existing laws. He's hoping this blows over. Snowmobiling has changed over the last 15 years. Some of the arguments from that court case wouldn't hold the same weight today that they did back then. The emissions (environmental and noise) are far less than they were before. Being right beside a 4 lane highway can only help. This trail was thought out. The club jumped through every hoop and incurred the delays to do this right. For these folks (a very small number) to now say they didn't know this was coming and didn't have a chance to comment is complete BS. You can never please everyone.
  8. Wow!!! These folks are ridiculous. They live beside a freeway. The trail being there is not going to add any meaningful noise or disruption. I sure hope the politicians don't give into them. Let's get this trail open and start enjoying it.
  9. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3123601057666586&id=482745178418867&notif_t=page_highlights&notif_id=1571519554893843&ref=m_notif#!/photo.php?fbid=10214866744889651&id=1457833143&set=gm.2727620073939199&source=57&refid=52&ref=m_notif&notif_t=page_highlights&_ft_=mf_story_key.3123601057666586%3Atop_level_post_id.3123601057666586%3Atl_objid.3123601057666586%3Acontent_owner_id_new.482745178418867%3Aoriginal_content_id.2727620073939199%3Aoriginal_content_owner_id.1457833143%3Athrowback_story_fbid.3123601057666586%3Apage_id.482745178418867%3Aphoto_id.10214866744889651%3Astory_location.9%3Aattached_story_attachment_style.photo%3Apage_insights.{"482745178418867"%3A{"page_id"%3A482745178418867%2C"actor_id"%3A482745178418867%2C"dm"%3A{"isShare"%3A1%2C"originalPostOwnerID"%3A2727620073939199}%2C"psn"%3A"EntStatusCreationStory"%2C"post_context"%3A{"object_fbtype"%3A266%2C"publish_time"%3A1571489065%2C"story_name"%3A"EntStatusCreationStory"%2C"story_fbid"%3A[3123601057666586]}%2C"role"%3A1%2C"sl"%3A9%2C"targets"%3A[{"actor_id"%3A482745178418867%2C"page_id"%3A482745178418867%2C"post_id"%3A3123601057666586%2C"role"%3A1%2C"share_id"%3A0}]}}&__tn__=EHH-R
  10. Were these all bad last winter? Or just a select production run of them? Is there a way to tell what is from a good run and what wasn't? Just looking at a used helmet and wondering what the risks are. Assuming the remainder of the 4 year warranty would be transferrable?
  11. If that's the case couldn't they just run a stake line up the lake and tie into trail 322?
  12. I agree it sucks, but it's still rideable. Roughly 200 km from SMS to Riviere Rouge running around that southern loop.
  13. This sucks. At least it's in a spot you can get around it though (north or south) without adding too many miles.
  14. Only others with the device. Would be great if that wadmtbthe case, but it is.
  15. That steak is something impressive. Was blown away by it when we stayed there.
  16. How can you tell the difference? What changes in the serial numbers between the two???
  17. I cant wait to get one, but think I'd have troubles putting the caulking gun to a new $800 helmet. Hopefully BRP has these issues corrected once and for all.
  18. Yeah it wouldn't take much to fix it. Wonder who came up with the design. Perfect for ATV's. Not so much for sleds.
  19. Big bridge. Looks like it would be hard on carbides and studs though.
  20. Where is the suspension bridge located?
  21. Were you atving or fat biking with an e-bike?
  22. Got lucky on both fronts. Only ever rode this trail once.
  23. I'm thinking on trail 345??? Not 100% sure on location. Is it near Barrage Gilardo?
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