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AdmdQ, farmer blockade update

Greg du Vermont

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AdmdQ Farmer blockade update.

Another season is about to begin, but unfortunately not without the sport of snowmobiling being placed in the center of a political disagreement between agricultural producers and the government. As several QR posts have referenced there is once again the potential for trouble in paradise. In my role as the American Ambassador/director with the AdmdQ , I wanted to offer information on this issue and the response, actions and activities of the AdmdQ on behalf of all Quebec snowmobilers.

Short background……… the AdmdQ was founded in 2005 in response to a very similar dispute between the same parties. The first effort of the Association was to organize a high visibility demonstration on the steps on Parliament highlighting the impact of snowmobiling and pressuring the parties to come to a speedy agreement. The end result was positive in that an agreement was reached and the season continued without the threatened trail blockages.

Fast forward……….Here we are again, an agriculture financial subsidy agreement is up for renewal and the government proposes changes to the calculations which the farmers union (UPA) is strongly opposed. Once again denial of trail permissions is threatened. You can’t really blame the farmers who have traditionally been strong supporters of snowmobiling and in many cases avid snowmobilers themselves. You can’t blame government officials for looking for savings in tough economic times. Regardless of which parties view point you may support, the real issue for snowmobilers is that with so many other pressures on the future health of the sport, we cannot continually be used as a pawn placed in the center of disputes.

During its 5 year history, the AdmdQ has developed significant public credibility, recognition, influence and contacts. Since the blockade issue was announced AdmdQ president Patrick Boucher has been extremely active in TV, radio and print interviews highlighting the economic impact which will result from this continued dispute. The Association also felt that the voice of snowmobilers needed to be heard from a position of greater strength and force rather than just a “help us help us” plea. The response that was adopted at the AdmdQ’s annual meeting held in Drummondville on September 26th was to use our voice and economic impact to give the snowmobilers some power in all of this.

Last week the AdmdQ widely announced its promotion and sponsorship of several rides outside of Quebec, to highlight that snowmobilers have choices and are not locked into where they can spread their economic impact. Prior to this action the disputing parties seemed to take a ”snowmobilers will be able to ride or snowmobilers won’t be able to ride” point of view. The rides which were announced for Vermont, Ontario and New Brunswick have resulted in absolute media frenzy throughout Quebec with headlines of “snowmobilers will go elsewhere and take their economic impact with them”. This has really turned up the pressure on both the UPA and government as the snowmobilers have demonstrated that they too have choices and are not to be taken for granted or considered helpless pawns.

The message in my opinion is, quit kicking the golden goose, work together to improve and make the most of the sport of snowmobiling and there will be more tax revenue available to fund UPA financial programs. It seems to me to be it’s a no brainer that a failure of these parties to work together will negatively impact the revenue pool and assist no one. My personal take is that an acceptable agreement will be reached, the snowmobile season will be fine and that the sky is not falling. One thing is for sure, snowmobiler have an organized voice and effective 1st responders at the ready.

To follow this continuing issue in real time, visit the AdmdQ site at admdq.org or on face book at association-des-motoneigiste-du-quebec.

Unfortunately with the relatively small number of English only contributing members, we will all need to get familiar with the google or bing translate functions as all important content on the website will continue to be available only on the “francais” side on the site. It’s not hard and we all need to practice anyway. Lots of good info, interviews and videos. You can also now join the AdmdQ by telephone for one year at a time, see site for details or I can post later.

Sorry so long, bit it's not a quick topic.

I will be passing along updates on other important AdmdQ actions such as the organized response to the proposed riding curfew and the success of an awesome emergency service initiative in the coming days.

Yours in snowmobiling, Greg du Vermont

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If can put my 2 cents in here I would say that we must stand together in order to have a solitary voice of reason heard. If we all stand on the side lines and complain, no consistent unified voice will be heard. I see the importance of becoming a member of the ADMDQ more than ever. This is our loudest, most organized outlet for our concerns when the decision makers get together to sit at the round table and figure out what the ultimate answers are. I may speak for myself, but I feel all the members here on QR should become members of the ADMDQ. After all, we owe it to ourselves to become involved in some sort of collaborative effort in order to protect out dearly beloved sport. There are many different special interest groups that would love to see the sport take a back seat in Quebec. We can no longer take for granted that when the snow flies, the signs will be up, and the system will be there to take us on these great rides through the most remote areas we enjoy so much. I remember last year when Greg wanted input from us, in order to give the American snowmobiler's perspective on why we head to Quebec, when there are trails in our own back yards. The most common response was that we enjoyed the interconnectivity of the trail system. It enabled us to go on rides that for example start from just north of Montreal, and head all the way to Chibougamau, and back without retracing your footsteps. The parks are becoming increasingly off limits, the remaining trails are having time limits imposed, and most discouraging of all the farmers holding us hostage for their needs. We must join together and get out voice heard, and again the most respected, and most organized voice seems to be the ADMDQ, so lets get on their website and join the cause. If you need help with translating what the site says feel free to PM me and I will get the English version to you ASAP.

We can't afford to wait for special interest groups to become unified and drown our voice out. Lets get active and support the ADMDQ!

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Greg, How do we join? Steve

I know I am not Greg, but here is the link to join


The left one is by phone on your credit card 1-4pm Monday through Friday

The middle one is by pay pal, and will automatically renew itself

The right one is the link to print the form to pay by mail, send to address listed

All links are $20/year

10% discount offered at many lodging places, including the Roquemont. Sweet

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If can put my 2 cents in here I would say that we must stand together in order to have a solitary voice of reason heard. If we all stand on the side lines and complain, no consistent unified voice will be heard. I see the importance of becoming a member of the ADMDQ more than ever. This is our loudest, most organized outlet for our concerns when the decision makers get together to sit at the round table and figure out what the ultimate answers are. I may speak for myself, but I feel all the members here on QR should become members of the ADMDQ. After all, we owe it to ourselves to become involved in some sort of collaborative effort in order to protect out dearly beloved sport. There are many different special interest groups that would love to see the sport take a back seat in Quebec. We can no longer take for granted that when the snow flies, the signs will be up, and the system will be there to take us on these great rides through the most remote areas we enjoy so much. I remember last year when Greg wanted input from us, in order to give the American snowmobiler's perspective on why we head to Quebec, when there are trails in our own back yards. The most common response was that we enjoyed the interconnectivity of the trail system. It enabled us to go on rides that for example start from just north of Montreal, and head all the way to Chibougamau, and back without retracing your footsteps. The parks are becoming increasingly off limits, the remaining trails are having time limits imposed, and most discouraging of all the farmers holding us hostage for their needs. We must join together and get out voice heard, and again the most respected, and most organized voice seems to be the ADMDQ, so lets get on their website and join the cause. If you need help with translating what the site says feel free to PM me and I will get the English version to you ASAP.

We can't afford to wait for special interest groups to become unified and drown our voice out. Lets get active and support the ADMDQ!

Could not agree with you more! I've been a member for 4 years (remember fondly when the air ambulance service was included in our membership). Hopefully we can get the majority of the guys who enjoy this site to join.


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Two English people here already members, anything else that's organised, we will defo be in on it, just let us know.


Wishing for lots of snow in February

Edited by SnomoGary
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Thanks guys, for both your words and your actions of support. It is good to hear that others feel as I do about the importance of being a part of this voice. The Associations message regarding the significance of this particular issue continues to be picked up by more and more media outlets throughout Quebec. Another article may be printed in the mainstream Journal du Quebec and Montreal newspapers in the coming days. The recognition of the AdmdQ's voice and this media presence is very important as it brings more and more of the people and businesses that would be adversely affected by this, into awareness and action. The more directions of pressure the better for a lasting solution. I know that the directors of the AdmdQ are very please to have our participation and support. It really affirms the dedication, time and effort that they are putting into responding to issues and impacts which are big importance to our sport. Thank you for picking up the ball and passing it along to all QR's both French and English.

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MONTREAL, Oct. 11 / CNW Telbec / - The Quebec Snowmobilers Association (AdmdQ) urges the Government of Quebec and farm representatives to quickly conclude a lasting settlement to resolve the conflict concerning the reform of the Income Stabilization Insurance (ASRA) to avoid further damage to the next snowmobile season.

The AdmdQ wishes, that following the resolution of this conflict, that agricultural stakeholders are committed to no longer use this kind of leverage and thus prevent this from happening again as is currently the case for a second time in five years.

This withdrawal of the privilege of access to agricultural land in various regions prevents several clubs to do the work of signaling that are essential for the safety of snowmobilers. In addition, snowmobilers reluctant to purchase their rights of access and they already delayed the acquisition of new snowmobiles. This conflict also affects the tourism industry that could quickly see the tour operators to choose other destinations in Quebec if the situation is not resolved promptly.

The AdmdQ invites snowmobilers to maintain good relations with people in agriculture in anticipation of a settlement of this dispute, since the passage of snowmobilers agricultural land is a privilege. Farmland accounts for a significant number of rights of way negotiated by the clubs every year.

If all the trails in the province should be completely closed in all regions because of this leverage, the AdmdQ reiterates that it will not hold three walks outside Quebec to decry the absurdity of this situation and that it will release each time the economic losses caused by the prohibition of access caused by the failure to resolve the conflict, if necessary.

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The expanding media attention of this conflict is really starting to produce some results, with many of the involved parties scheduling meetings and talks. The exposure and pressure is resulting in increased action and communications and that can only be a good thing. The AdmdQ is the only major Association that has stepped forward to very publically expose, denounce and address this conflict. Even the FCMQ has remained silent. Sometimes you've got to have a little courage and stand the hell up.

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