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Everything posted by MrGutz

  1. Letape Pre Rain http://quebecrider.com/forums/uploads/monthly_2023_12/letape-pre.jpg.aa89aa4e258ac400097f641e370fae42.jpg Post Rain http://quebecrider.com/forums/uploads/monthly_2023_12/latape-post.jpg.bbfaa7234575aa62df7da53449397776.jpg Crap...... GutZ
  2. Season to start.... I see snow on the ground in the Pic..... We've ridden worse..... LOL GutZ
  3. Maybe: https://www.ebay.com/itm/386190993406?hash=item59eac6e7fe:g:QtoAAOSwgullJteN&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA8Dfjjo7yrssRnqN9JzVh4D6jWeRR4uTVIAv0BB86YGFRA3vB9A34Ie8QH%2BxurgXUdUPPJcILpBLV7j%2BPVNqi0t4Og9kb2qH4J7hU%2FPWW8K%2Foe6cG0%2FbPs%2BvbEasr6nZJ3LmtXqNrkKpD1WOdaRXnYBhtxO7m0qtV84lkeGO9qtZ80rE62dAH6OCr1Nul2kUCb%2BzxpZBDbxFdFbAU6RXtLq0b01U5EEuNWTsyLjZO5aKbJnzmQiGWhuUy5kVTe5SDL2kae78cPG%2Bk5dYEcdfLbWCKFIdkyx31rGQY9YDV8c0oe53Q6V95GuPf7DnsC4VmAg%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR-i1js2GYw GutZ
  4. Ski Place in Valin: http://quebecrider.com/forums/uploads/monthly_2023_12/image.png.cb460e0bfaa0e37964c8405a43f8e13a.png
  5. http://quebecrider.com/forums/uploads/monthly_2023_12/image.png.a08cd289551ee4c25525cc804abe1ba0.png Just across the river, someone is rolling out!!!!! I would bet it is just moving around..... but maybe..... GutZ
  6. Gobble Gobble!! Enjoy the day with friends and family!! GutZ ( aka The Big Turkey... LOL!!! )
  7. It's like a trophy wall! I've got a spot for yours! LOL!!! No Gas I swear! GutZ
  8. Hey Guys Over the off season I added this to the trailer and I thought I'd share as it was simple yet very useful for storing all those LinQ items. GutZ http://quebecrider.com/forums/uploads/monthly_2023_11/475101970_IMG_46991.thumb.JPG.45b725394babfcce5c1bca3aca3a5b29.JPG http://quebecrider.com/forums/uploads/monthly_2023_11/1229926670_IMG_47001.thumb.JPG.27a57363ff556a7a3126a3f8569bbef8.JPG
  9. I was just at their booth in Quebec City at the show and we talked about that trail specifically, all agreed it was good trail and one to take this year.... At least it is not a permanent closer due to off trail issues. GutZ
  10. At the Quebec City Show they were pushing it as a Great Trip on the White Road...... All the way out to the end of it..... GutZ
  11. No Snow in Quebec City! But they are getting the Ice Slide ready to go! http://quebecrider.com/forums/uploads/monthly_2023_11/QuebecCity-IceSlide-Fall23.thumb.jpg.1c3041529cc9474cca271afff9c4d6a2.jpg GutZ
  12. And a Little LeTape Action too. http://quebecrider.com/forums/uploads/monthly_2023_11/image.png.8f47e7be0cd8aa49ea68588497b289cf.png
  13. Yesterday AM!!! Gone by late afternoon. GutZ http://quebecrider.com/forums/uploads/monthly_2023_11/Sno-2023-1.thumb.JPG.a1cd50c9ba71b68e9edfef26211571d8.JPG
  14. info@moose-valley.com Long Hair and I spoke to the owner one day during the Shut Down, he was able to sell us gas, felt bad ,one day open\one day closed, no warning from the Gov. Anyways, he was a nice guy and seemed to realy like everyone making an effort come by. Email and\or Call him. Later GutZ
  15. I think Sacacomie parks you a 1/4 mile away. Like they did not want us there or ATVers. That was a while ago... but it may have changed. GutZ
  16. In two weeks it will be smooth sailing! Or two weeks after that,,,, or maybe two weeks after that.... LOL! GutZ
  17. he's so old.... how old is he.... he's so old he remembers when the British did rule the US or the colonies... hahahahahaha! GutZ
  18. Are we guessing the missing first letter? I'll say " L " But I am bi-lingually illiterate.... I cant read nor write in two languages... and my first language is "Jibberish"... as you all know.... LOL! GutZ
  19. I agree, but I would bet the Liabilty Ins states on the 72nd page in fine print, Liability is for damages done or injuries occuring by the sled, not to the sled or rider. As well as a clause stating damage and injuries while on marked trails and not on private property adjacent to the marked trails. If said stump was just beyond the marked trail, and cleared for general maintenance, but not with in the maintained coridor, therefore not covered and defaults to the Insured leasie's general liability insurance policy. Think of the scene in the The Jerk at the Carnival Booth.... Or some Bull Shit like that. I feel I spend on a lot on Insurance and factory warranties, and these are designed to protect the companies, not the insured.... Later GutZ
  20. This is Great! Other than the Sled I see NO non-OEM parts in the X-Ray! I think this is the first one of X-Ray with out it!! Not even a filling! Feel Better Buddy!! And bend those Knees! GutZ
  21. Snowmobilers are tree huggers too!! GutZ
  22. No, Thank You! Your Pics are going to get me through the summer. Keep them coming! Thanks GutZ
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