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hi brdgbldr !!

thanks for the great words !!i was almost shy to read your post!! :lol:

first of all , i slowed down a bit to read posts on the french forum(f f).why ?? because there s a few too many threads and posts.those on the f f who don t keep themselves up to date they start their own thread.thats a lot of posts to read.

for now mont valins will be open .lanaudiere-outaouais-gaspesie area will be open.last week i think ,minister of agriculture was in rdl and he said that bsl area will be open.but according to some posters on the f f ,some of them were sceptical???if i remember well ,president of the club in rimouski or someone else, said they are going to wait til early december before making a '' move ''

one poster said that he had seen signages in some fields south of rimouski.

i read somewhere that the fcmq asked all the clubs to re-route their trails to avoid farmer's lands.

i must check again ,sorry, i have a memory blank ,but mauricie area should be / will be open.saw a reportage about that on tv.

last night i think ,upa (farmers union ) asked the farmers to close their lands all over pq.but this is only ( imo ) to ''shake '' the goverment.

president of my club is a farmers and it ll be no problems to use his lands.

forgot ,sherbrooke area will be open.north shore will be open too.

i can t remember everything, i read waaaaaaaaaaay too many posts.

hope i did nt make a mistake and hope this will help you a bit !!

groomer !!!

Thanks for the info, I will watch the replies to these posts in the next few weeks.


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The Canadian Minister of Agriculture is Jean-Pierre Blackburn who is from Jonquiere. His daughter, Marie-Christine use to be the Sales Manger at the HI. She goes with William who's parents own Skooby Raid. i can just imagine how his phone is being rung off the wall at home.

Edited by Saguenay Bill
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It's a small world...... Should be interesting...Let's hope Marie-Christine can get Dad to play ball and work this situation out. Can't hurt to try.

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Just saw this story on the Radio Canada site. The farmers are turning the heat up by offically closing the first trail in St Prime to both sleds and quads. Lets hope the farmers and the govt come to an agreement soon!



Les agriculteurs mettent leur menace à exécution

Mise à jour le mardi 16 novembre 2010 à 14 h 52

Commenter (12) »PartagerCourrielFacebookTwitterImprimer.

Les agriculteurs installent des affichent pour interdire le passage des motoneiges.

Quelque 150 agriculteurs se sont réunis mardi matin à Saint-Prime, au Lac-Saint-Jean, pour fermer un premier sentier de motoneige. Ils ont déposé un ballot de foin à l'entrée d'un sentier situé sur la terre d'un producteur.

Des affiches empêchant le passage des motoneigistes et des motoquads ainsi que des blocs de ciment seront installés au cours des prochains jours.

La Fédération de l'Union des producteurs agricoles (UPA) du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean invite les mécontents à se plaindre au ministre de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation, Laurent Lessard.

Les producteurs agricoles ont également commencé à envoyer des avis aux différents clubs de motoneigistes de la région pour leur signifier qu'ils mettent fin aux ententes permettant le passage sur leurs terres.

Lors de la manifestation, les agriculteurs ont dénoncé les modifications au programme d'assurance stabilisation des revenus agricoles (ASRA) de la Financière agricole. Ils souhaitent qu'une entente soit conclue avant le congrès général de l'UPA, le 30 novembre prochain.

Ouverture du gouvernement

Lundi à Cabano, dans la région du Bas-Saint-Laurent, le premier ministre Jean Charest a affirmé qu'une demande avait été soumise au conseil d'administration de la Financière agricole pour qu'il revoie les mesures de resserrement de l'assurance stabilisation des revenus agricoles afin de tenir compte des particularités régionales.

« On s'est entendu aujourd'hui pour que le ministre de l'Agriculture, Laurent Lessard, demande à la Financière agricole de travailler avec vous autres, a précisé M. Charest, pour revoir ces mesures-là et s'assurer qu'elles puissent être mises en place ou qu'elles puissent être compatibles avec votre besoin à vous de soutenir l'agriculture. »


Farmers put their threat to execution

Last updated on Tuesday, 16 November 2010, at 14: 52

"Comment (12)" PartagerCourrielFacebookTwitterImprimer

Farmers install some appear to prevent the passage of snowmobiles.

Some 150 farmers have gathered Tuesday morning at Saint-Prime, Lac-Saint-Jean to close a first snowmobile trail. They filed a redhorse hay at the entrance to a trail located on the ground of a producer.

Preventing passing snowmobilers and as well as cement blocks motoquads posters will be installed in the next few days.

The Federation des producteurs agricoles (UPA) in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean prompts angry to complain to the Minister of agriculture, fisheries and food, Laurent Lessard.

Agricultural producers have also started to send advice to different clubs snowmobile region for them that they put an end to the agreements allowing passage on their land.

In the event, farmers have denounced changes to agricultural income (ASRA) of the financière agricole stabilization insurance program. They want that an agreement is reached before the General Congress of the UPA, November 30.

Opening of the Government

Monday at Cabano, Bas-Saint-Laurent region Prime Minister Jean Charest said that a request had been submitted to the Board of Directors of the financière agricole to review measures of farm income stabilization insurance crunch to take into account regional peculiarities.

"It is is heard today that Agriculture Minister Laurent Lessard, asked the financière agricole to work with you said Mr. Charest to review these measures and to ensure that they can be put in place, or they may be compatible with your need to support agriculture."


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The Canadian Minister of Agriculture is Jean-Pierre Blackburn who is from Jonquiere. His daughter, Marie-Christine use to be the Sales Manger at the HI. She goes with William who's parents own Skooby Raid. i can just imagine how his phone is being rung off the wall at home.

You can't get anymore plugged in then that.

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Does this affect the lanaudiere region?

Yes it affect, but not all Lanaudiere snowmobile clubs. Near St-Laurence river where I live, the trails are mainly on agricultural land but as you begin to get in the mountains the trails will not be affected, corresponding to the areas that are usually the first to receive snow and open trails. I don't know where is your chalet, but St-Zenon, St-Michel des Saints or St-Donat area for example will open without problems.

The FCMQ administrator for Lanaudiere wrote a post on the french Forum on the 5 November telling that the 17 Lanaudiere snownobile clubs all comfirm they open for this season 2010-2011. They will do their best to connect together as much trails they can, even respecting individual farmer decision... even with a conflict, some can decide to let the trail pass...

I really hope for a good news after the meeting between farmers and goverment in few days in the beginning of december... Anyway, farmers conflict solve or not, be sure I will keep you inform at which area is open as soon as we get snow with all the details... B)



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Hi guys :)

I just saw this press release on tourism Lanaudiere web site about the situation with farmers... (I tried a translation at the bottom)

Plus de 1 500 kilomètres de sentiers motoneige ouverts cet hiver dans Lanaudière

Rawdon, le 18 novembre 2010 – Tourisme Lanaudière rappelle que plus de 1 500 kilomètres de sentiers seront ouverts cet hiver aux motoneigistes dans la région, peu importe l’issue des négociations entre l’Union des producteurs agricoles (UPA) et le gouvernement quant au conflit qui les oppose, et ce, malgré l’interdiction d’accès à leurs terres aux activités autres qu’agricoles qui prévaut présentement comme moyen de pression.

« Lanaudière peut être fière de la qualité de l’offre proposée dans le secteur de la motoneige et des services qui y sont reliés, ce qui en fait une destination incontournable pour les amateurs de ce sport motorisé », déclare Évangéline Richard, présidente de Tourisme Lanaudière.

Les pistes touristiques, qui représentent 60 % des sentiers de la région, sont sur des terres publiques, souvent en milieu forestier et/ou montagneux, et ne sont pas touchées par le blocage.

« Malgré le fait que nous comprenons l’exaspération des agriculteurs dans leurs négociations avec le gouvernement, nous sommes très déçus d’en être, encore une fois, les victimes, et nous mettrons tout notre poids politique auprès de la ministre du Tourisme pour qu’à son tour elle fasse pression auprès de ses collègues et que le conflit se règle dans les meilleurs délais », conclut madame Richard.

Les adeptes de motoneige peuvent planifier leur saison dès aujourd’hui et acheter leur droit d’accès auprès des différents clubs de la région. Pour plus de renseignements, visitez le www.paysdelamotoneige.ca


Source : Andréanne Beaulieu, agente de communication, Tourisme Lanaudière

Téléphone : 450 834-2535 / 1 800 363-2788


Source: http://www.lanaudiere.ca/fr/medias/item/243/plus-de-1-500-kilometres-de-sentiers-motoneige-ouverts-cet-hiver-dans-lanaudiere

I tried to translate it for you with my not so good english... :pardon:

More than 1 500 kilometers of snowmobile trails opened this winter in Lanaudiere

Rawdon, 18-11-2010 – Tourisme Lanaudiere confirm that more than 1 500 kms of trails will be open to snowmobilers in the area this winter, doesn’t matter the outcome of the negotiation between l’Union des producteurs agricoles (UPA) and the government in the conflict between them, and this, even with the ban on their land acces for other activities than agricultural that they use to put pressure on government.

« Lanaudière can be proud of the quality they offer for snowmobiling and all their derived services, that made it an ultimate destination to practise this motorized sport », said Évangéline Richard, présidente of Tourisme Lanaudière.

60% of our trails are on publics trails, often in mountains and/or forest that are not affected by this ban

« In spite that we understand the exaspération of the farmers in their negotiation with the goverment, we are deceived to be, once again, the victims...and we put all our politic influence on the tourism minister , that will in turn put pressure on their colleagues ministers to solve this conflict as soon as possible », conclude madam Richard.

Snowmobilers can already plan their season now and buy their acces pass to the differents clubs of our area

For more information, visit www.lanaudiere.ca/en/theme/snowmobile



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Well, let's cross our fingers Towing.Some regions are more affected than others.For instance, in my area it will be business as usual as the few farmers we have gave us the green light and the further north you go, we are on crown lands.

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Here is a "translated" press release that was issued by the AdmdQ today. Important meetings between the parties will be held next week.


Blocking of snowmobile trails in farmland: Urgent Action

MONTREAL, Nov. 21 / CNW Telbec / - The snowmobile season is fast approaching and already, in the Monts Valin in Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean, snowmobilers began to circulate. The leverage used by actors farming, denying access to their land to snowmobilers will result in creating a significant increase in the number of abnormal and snowmobilers in the same sectors as the usual network of 33,000 kilometers of trails will be narrower.

In this regard, the Quebec Snowmobilers Association (AdmdQ) reminds snowmobilers rules of prudence require that circulate exclusively trails by snowmobile clubs. Furthermore, it is extremely important not to venture on stream as the clubs have not made the necessary checks on the thickness and stability of ice. Last year, the rivers were 7 victims by drowning snowmobilers out 22 deaths.

For their safety, riders should keep in mind the motto of the association: "If snowmobiling is your life, think about it" to adopt safe behavior at any time during the snowmobile . Moreover, several radio stations throughout Quebec weekly broadcast for the benefit of snowmobilers, trail conditions offered by the association in carrying out a reminder about snowmobile safety throughout the winter season.

The AdmdQ request that the Quebec government and the farming community quickly agreed to put an end to their conflict. It is time the Government takes its responsibilities and that the farming people do the same by negotiating a lasting agreement. AdmdQ The calls also Minister of Tourism in this matter so she would lobby his colleagues and that the conflict is resolved quickly.

Be aware that many small and medium enterprises face serious financial problems if nothing is done promptly. Many businesses depend, in large part to the economic contribution of snowmobiling during the winter to meet their financial obligations. The AdmdQ also concerned to see an important region for snowmobiling as the Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean face a refusal of a majority of clubs to open their trails to support agricultural claims.

Moreover, it is imperative that a map of the trail system is published to provide necessary information on snowmobile trails circumvention prohibitions farm. These cards will showcase the many clubs will offer trails despite the resources pressure and will have the effect of favoring the purchase of access rights so essential to the financial survival of snowmobile clubs. AdmdQ The demand for snowmobilers to respect the banned agricultural operating only on the paths opened by clubs snowmobilers.

This conflict demonstrates more than ever the importance for snowmobilers and regional economies is essential to have permanent trail network to provide a stable and put the snowmobile industry away from too frequent claims that concern it. snowmobilers in the province and the actors of the economic and tourist not to bear the brunt of disagreements between the agricultural and government. departments of transportation and tourism have put forward a precise timetable for permanent trails.

In conclusion, the AdmdQ salutes the work of club volunteers who have decided to initiate bypassing bans crossing farmland. To date, the following regions have announced their intention to open their trails: the Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Gaspésie, Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Centre-du-Québec, Mauricie, Laurentides, Lanaudière, Outaouais and ultimately, more specifically, the Caribou Club in the Monts Valin Conscripts and clubs in Chapais Saguenay .

The Association invites snowmobilers to visit his website and his Facebook page to find out the latest news about this conflict.


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À la station de radio 93.3 de Rimouski, on a fait état de la situation en ce qui concerne l'application de l'interdiction au droit de passage tel que demandé par l'UPA cette apres midi. La station à communiquer avec un agriculteur(anonyme) qui lui, a fait un sondage téléphonique auprès de 84 agriculteurs de la région. Résultat, 81 des ces 84 membres de L'UPA, ont affirmés qu'ils vont laisser passer les motoneiges cette hiver vu qu'ils croient que le moyen proposé par l'UPA est inapproprié et que l'UPA est clairement en manque d'imagination vs. leur moyen de pression. Par la suite, cette même station à communiquer avec le représentant de l'UPA locale pour l'entendre affirmer que les membres de l'UPA devraient peut-être se présenter aux réunions d'assemblées pour avoir l'information et les justifications nécessaires face à la stratégie utilisé. De plus, le maire de Trois-Pistoles a aussi fait l'objet d'une entrevue, vu que aussi dans cette région, il y aurait passablement de droit de passage qui ne soient pas mis en péril.

great news !!

a radio station in rimouski called a farmer without telling his name and that farmer made a little survey.

he called 84 other farmers ,so, on 84 farmers, 81 said ''YES '' to use their lands for snomobiling !!!

then, the radio station called the mayor in trois pistoles and he said some farmer lands won t be affected by the ''war ''.sorry can t remember the right words .

at least it s going in the right direction!!! :good:

groomer !!!

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UPA (Farmers's union)will be holding its congress in Québec city next wednesday(dec 1st).we will have a better idea then.

Bas st-laurent union President is quite confident that this whole situation will be resolved,as reported on the french forum.

I think the pressure is on their insurance company.

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UPA (Farmers's union)will be holding its congress in Québec city next wednesday(dec 1st).we will have a better idea then.

Bas st-laurent union President is quite confident that this whole situation will be resolved,as reported on the french forum.

I think the pressure is on their insurance company.

Hi Midrange

Thanks for the update. Could you explain what you mean by "I think the pressure is on their insurance company". How is an insurance involved? I thought this was between the Quebec Government and the farmers. Not trying to be a smart butt but just trying to understand more about this problem. Thanks Jack.


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The "insurance" referred to is like our subsidy programs here in the states. This is an article (translated) which recently appeared in Radio Quebec press indicating the anticipation of a solution. December 1st will indeed be a turning point in this mess.

The dispute between the Union des producteurs agricoles (UPA) and the Financière agricole du Quebec could terminate on December 1. According to the president of the UPA Bas-Saint-Laurent, Gilles Guimond, an agreement with the Liberal government is likely to also be concluded.

At the request of the Minister of Agriculture, Laurent Lessard, the Financière agricole is to redo its calculations, which could make her change her mind about his plan to withdraw from the Insurance Stabilization 25% of farms less profitable.

Gilles Guimond believes that the Minister Lessard would even be prepared to put the project aside while the Board of Financière agricole should remain on its positions.

"I think he will submit to Congress the UPA in Quebec City on December 1 and he will tell us precisely to withdraw the measure," says Guimond.

The end of this conflict would mean the lifting of the principal means of pressure from the UPA, which is to block the access of agricultural land to snowmobilers.

Edited by Greg du Vermont
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Hi Midrange

Thanks for the update. Could you explain what you mean by "I think the pressure is on their insurance company". How is an insurance involved? I thought this was between the Quebec Government and the farmers. Not trying to be a smart butt but just trying to understand more about this problem. Thanks Jack.



Greg from Vermont clearly said it in his post what I meant by insurance company (referring to Financière agricole du Québec).We will find out sooner than later if the blockade will be lift off.

The Financière agricole is managed by the Government of Québec.

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As copy and pasted from another forum

The Minister of Agriculture of Quebec has made minor concessions Wednesday to farmers in the program of farm income stabilization insurance (FISI), while speaking at the annual conference of the Union of Producers Farm (UPA) in Quebec.

Laurent Lessard has not pledged to ask the Financière agricole to withdraw the contested measures in the calculation of royalties. However, he said he will meet with the directors of the Agricultural Finance to ensure that any surplus after she would get paid off the deficit is paid to farmers.

"I tell you, I pledged. If there is a surplus that is generated after filling our obligations, whether from any source whatsoever, it will be returned to farmers, "said Minister Lessard.

The farmers complain since the spring, the measure of improved efficiency imposed by the Financière agricole. This measure ensures that a quarter of the least efficient producers are eliminated from the averaging to determine the amount of financial compensation of ASRA. These are paid in case of loss or production costs higher than expected. Under the UPA, this new measure, which is not yet in place, would decrease by 80 million farmers' incomes.

Farmers interviewed after the speech of the Minister Lessard found that these commitments are very few.

"This is clearly insufficient. We made very specific expectations of the minister. We did not get a clear answer to our questions. And we do not even know what the definition of the surplus. All manufacturers will scoop measures Financial. For many, their net income is going to happen, "said in an interview the president of the UPA, Christian Lacasse.

Snowmobilers need patience

The blockade of snowmobile trails could last longer than expected. The UPA has recommended to the producers to ban access to snowmobile trails in their fields to force the government to change the rules of FISI Financial agriculture. Some fear the negative impact of the blockade to the regional economy.

"We are very disappointed with this decision of the Minister. Snowmobilers are taken hostage in a conflict that is not theirs. We respect the blockade on land, and we evaluate the network of alternative paths. But we are anxious to have access to our trails. We say to the minister and farmers: Sit down, negotiate, we really wait for it to rule, "says the president of the Federation of Snowmobile Clubs Quebec Mario Côté.

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MONTREAL, December 3 / CNW Telbec / - The Quebec Snowmobilers Association (AdmdQ) invite all snowmobilers in the province and that all stakeholders related to tourism and economic snowmobiling to demonstrate peacefully outside the house of the people of Quebec.

Our protest is not against the UPA and farmers nor the government.

Our event is designed to ask both parties to agree quickly and if not at least lift the blockade during their negotiations in order not to further disadvantage and snowmobile clubs, tourism industries and regional economies . The AdmdQ also believes in the importance of decrying the urgency to act to obtain a precise timetable for permanent trails.

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