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  2. Here’s the unfortunate answer from the club. The 63 East from Pavillon La Verendrye to Mont-Laurier will be close.. 386 from La Verendrye to Val d Or will be open.
  3. Today
  4. Yesterday
  5. Fusion Dear members of the Guillaume Tell snowmobile club, We are pleased to announce that our club is in the process of merging with the Sainte Béatrix snowmobile club. After several fruitful meetings, the Boards of Directors of both clubs have unanimously decided to pursue and finalize this process by September. We are delighted to confirm that the club's name will remain Guillaume Tell. As part of this merger, our club will now be responsible for the marking and maintenance of the new trails, which will be integrated into the existing Guillaume Tell network. This initiative will not only expand our trail network, but will also increase our total mileage, making us more eligible for subsidies from the Fédération des clubs motoneigistes du Québec and/or for the renewal of our equipment. We'll keep you informed as soon as all the administrative formalities have been completed. In the meantime, we encourage you to take full advantage of the summer to recharge your batteries and get ready to make the most of our wonderful hobby as soon as the season permits. .If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact us via our Facebook page or by e-mail at communication@clubmotoneigeguillaumetell.com. We look forward to this new phase with you all. Yours sincerely
  6. Last week
  7. from Club Motoneige St Raymond Hello snowmobilers In collaboration with the Town of St Raymond and the fire department (first responder), the Club de Motoneige St Raymond has installed markers every 5 km along trail 23 (St Raymond/L'Étape) to facilitate location and reduce waiting time for an emergency response. These markers are connected to a GPS point. SAFETY is always a priority for the club.
  8. Just another planned assassination by the CIA. That kid wasn't the only shooter, just the scape goat!
  9. I will likely mean a lot of plowed roads in the area during construction and after.
  10. Earlier
  11. BIG project. There will certainly be a lot of push back. I would imagine that it will take a while to get approved and implemented. $9 Billion will certainly affect rate payers (Quebec tax payers)..
  12. Hard to know ... Sure covers a lot of our "Fun" Zone
  13. Approximately in this area and further west
  14. maybe more roads for windmills could equal more trails? Beautiful area to alter forever with this project. some happy some not it seems. your thoughts? https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/hydro-quebec-wind-power-project-1.7254233
  15. I have called for other questions and during business hours have been able to speak english to a very helpful lady, just cannot remember her name.
  16. E mail or call direct to the FCMQ
  17. I sent an email to the club a couple days ago. If/when I get a reply I’ll post their response.
  18. I'd e-mail the v'al dor club.
  19. Is there any news coming out about TQ 63 going west to LeDomaine and beyond? Sure hope they open that back up at some point.
  20. http://quebecrider.com/forums/uploads/monthly_2024_07/image.png.8fa0727bd3304cf978ce760466b41780.png
  21. I would say someone or maybe a couple SS will be going home.
  22. Major security failure. A shooter from an elevated position well within range. Someone got some explaining to do. Never should have happened.
  23. The guy is running for public office for Christ Sakes....you don't like him...don't vote for him...Dems keep a narrative up of him taking away freedom and democracy and being a dictator...then some challenged kid goes overboard and tries to assassinate him...narrative has to change
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