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  3. Yesterday
  4. Funny, but scary... that was most likely made in 2 minutes with very little effort. Imagine what that would be like if they put a little effort to it.... anyone saying anything...... GutZ
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  6. Right click on the emoji you want and a window will pop up. Click where it says open in another / new tab. Then you can close out the previous one and your vote will show in the new tab. Simple🙄
  7. This AI thing has potential! (But the Beetlejuice guy in the background is kinda creepy) https://x.com/Notmyfault99/status/1795619370548506793
  8. Indeed, I agree, and will be doing my usual routine of registering my sled in July, and purchasing my Quebec and New Brunswick trail passes in October as soon as they are available. Despite the fact that I didn't ride at all this past season due to poor conditions. I suspect the extra incentive is due to the concern that folks may skip the discount to wait and see if there will be suitable conditions before spending any money, in light of what happened this past season.
  9. I will certianly be taking advantage of the early permit. Not a big gambler but I will put odds on more snow this coming winter then we had last!
  10. Hope to have my new vin# by 10/31 !
  11. They are Happy Peaceful protesters. Heard it from binder.
  12. Happy?? Aren't they the angry protesters?
  13. That could happen anytime, not just free weekend. Renting a sled includes the trail pass.
  14. VT did away with it long ago and recently has been doing the "Ride for $25 week-end". At least its some money to help the clubs clean up after the increased traffic.
  15. If it all gets approved, I'll take it 😉
  16. Halloween special for season pass. Better than a free weekend special.
  17. You still need registration and insurance coverage for free weekend. Its appealing to Ontario sledders at least that have never or seldom ridden in Quebec or were combining it with a longer stay in Quebec.
  18. One day...95$...poor choice ....travel and associated costs...doesn't seem like you picked the right sport....truck , trailer and sled is a hell of an investment for a one day pass... maybe they are trying to get people to stay a minimum of a week and support everyone who works so hard to accommodate us...does free weekend mean they have no trail pass...registration and insurance....very good insight to stop that...I don't know what the stats are but I bet there are a lot of fender benders during that time
  19. Prices were actually held for this season from last but the early deal was added which is a nice offer.
  20. Apparently revenue must be really down for this to be canceled and the prices of the permits getting higher $95 for 1 day is a bit much .
  21. Thank you. Looks like there is an additional time slot in the Fall. Edit: Just noticed your Special Deal comment. Thanks for posting.
  22. When the free weekend happened to coincide with our buddies ride, rule one after be extra cautious was to get the hell out of dodge.
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