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Everything posted by Shore1066

  1. I think with a well positioned throttle you could make it on that motor cycle.
  2. Is the test a specific test. I heard it was the one where they massage your brain.
  3. Well one thing is for sure , either government is not going to make it easy for us .
  4. This is very sad in deed. I just don't understand how the guide let it happen. For some reason i thought the story went that the 5 riders went ahead and the guide went after them and never came back. It's so bad that someone has to take the blame but if it was his fault it must be told. The lake, St. Jean, is I understand very dangerous. I know a couple of riders, as in three of them, years back came across that area and the lead guy just headed for light on the south end of the lake and ended up on open water for a couple miles. They all have rode on water many times but they were lucky people and they all say that now, when they talk about it which is not very often. Were the other two mad, I don't think they ride together any more. Really it was just plain stupid. I have rode on ice all my life and for me the night time riding still give me a funny feeling just not knowing what's ahead. I just hope all these people get thought this. I also hope lot's of people read about this and give the ice and rivers the respect it deserves.
  5. Well it just hit me. If I ride in the Adirondack area a Quebec map won't do me any good. There must trail maps of tug hill clear to lake placid area is there not. Stupid me.
  6. Yes I know but living right on the border there is all sorts of rumors that because of this Delta virus they will shut down the border again. I sure hope not. I do think if we do get to Quebec it may be a longer ride than years before. Lol
  7. Hey how's the summer been. We went and bought new sleds last spring and I've made up my mind to ride some where. I want a GPS that will track my route where ever I go so I can follow it back to the truck. I have friends who have camps in the Harrisville area and they do get snow there enough to ride on. My Kid just bought a rental business in Placid and they have trails there too. Just not sure about the Canadian border getting opened for us to get to Quebec. So bad last year i think I rode less than 5 miles. Didn't even put a helmet on. LOL Thanks everyone for all the info. Everyone stay safe and hope to heard all your experiences in Quebec this year.
  8. I know about the ski doo GPS garmin system but does any one else have something that works . Not that I'm cheap but I don't want to spend 600 to a 1000 dollars.
  9. Mike are you making plans to ride in the same area as last year. Do you feel that there maybe still a problem with the border. I'm just asking because I was stubborn and didn't ride anywhere last year. If not Quebec I'm thinking the upper peninsula or Maine. I do have friends that ride the lake placid area. It's such a chame that this virus is controlling so much in all of our lives.
  10. We orders renegade adrenalines with 850 motors.
  11. We have, as in my son and I, have rode Renegade Adrenaline stock sleds since 2015. We do put on extras as in mirrors, GPS and studding our selves. We only ride in quebec and the trails in our opinion for us they do just what we need. Plus usually we ride 10 days in early Feb and 5 days in March. My son lives in NC so it's a little hard for him. I live in NY and have a older son who makes a trip too that I catch up to. Never had a problem so it works for us.
  12. Well I got a call today. Our September delivery date sleds turned in to June delivery sleds. Makes me wonder what the serial numbers will be. Oh well its still exciting.
  13. That will be a truly exciting experience. More power than you will need but great to have.
  14. How about a wind mill mounted to the front bumper.
  15. What about the smell of a 2 stroker burning Koltz oil.
  16. Where I work the new Bobcat electric lawn mowers came in. No belts. Each moving component has its own motor. Good for 6 hour's of mowing on a charge. It really just hums when the mowers are engaged. They have sold them all that have came in. The 72 inch goes for 35 thousand plus. I told them I would demo them anytime. Should be interesting.
  17. I'm glad to read others reactions to this guys riding. He is why I like riding in Quebec where most do respect the trails and other riders. I hope more people respond to how crazy this video is on the way he is riding. Everyone has had close encounters with other sleds but meeting him on a trail would be a lot more than a close encounter.
  18. Same here Jack only I didn't have a new sled sitting in my trailer. My kid did come home and rode about 200 miles around here. Not the same as Quebec. Call us spoiled but that's the way it is. Now I may need some support next year on how to have a brand new sled in the trailer and can't ride it if the border doesn't open up. We have new 850 renegades coming. Have a great summer.
  19. Get better soon Bill. When you ride as many miles as he has odds are a little crash in order. We should all think about that. See you next year Bill. A friend always George
  20. Yes, truck driving. They get though the southern border in trucks. I think I could get 10 sleds and a enclosed area big enough for 10 men. We had a large loader bucket come over and the driver told me he barely stopped. What about custom agents. Government should be saving money because they should be laid off. RIGHT.
  21. Groomer has the ducks always stayed in that river all winter or is something new.
  22. I live on the border and truckers say it's really easy to cross. It seems it hasn't effected the trade between the two countries. This is good but does the virus hide in any imported or exported materials. Only a question.
  23. I don't really want to put anyone over the edge but my kid has a friend from Alberta who is ready to declare war on his own government. He said if he comes to the states and goes back he would have to get a covid test done by the government of their design at the cost of 2 thousand dollars. Then go to a hotel for 36 hours with a cost of 2000 dollars. If a positive test comes back you will have to go to a government facility of unknown place and after 2 weeks if you make it you will have to pay a unknown amount. Now before I get jumped on let's hear from our Canadian friends to hear what is really going on. Oh yes he deals in the oil industry in Alberta that Biden just shut down. Are we ever going to get to ride in Quebec again and I'm serious about that.
  24. I agree with everything you said but in new York you get pulled over for DWI and now they write a ticket and tell you to drive slower going home. Hell in new York city you can shot some one and get sent home.
  25. Is that that bridge just north of Perce on rt. 5.
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