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Everything posted by GSX800

  1. I replaced my Montana 600 with a Garmin GPSMap 276Cx. The 600 still works fine though the screen seems to get smaller as the years go by. I like the actual buttons on the new unit vs the touch screen. It also uses the same cradle as the 600 so it was plug and play. The 276 does double duty in the summer as the backup on the boat.
  2. My guess is they don’t want to open the floodgates until the have a good base?
  3. It would be better if he showed up to pull you out.
  4. GSX800


    No market for them in Northern Africa
  5. Thanks for the link MrGutz. They are certainly cheap enough. I may be getting a new sled for the wife and will try these. Mccaffrey, we may have seen your sled at Marineau Mattawin last year? (Maybe the year before?)All six of us commented on them thinking they would be better. Thanks
  6. GSX800


    Stealing that should carry a death sentence!
  7. Where did you get those? I have the side deflector mounts, but maybe would move to those on my next sled rather than purchasing the Ski Doo mirrors. Really liked them on my 05 and 06 Revs.
  8. Is it just me or does the app no longer auto-rotate when going from portrait to landscape orientation? The web based api still rotates.
  9. For one they can’t accurately predict what happens a few days out. Months out? I hope for a normal winter. Even around my area in Watertown NY. Tug Hill from right after Thanksgiving until April first was pretty much a given.
  10. In 2006 we rode 347 on our way up to Roberval. I would say about 10 miles before Odanak there was an open stream crossing. There was a guy on a Yamaha sitting on the other side. He stopped us and told us not to cross. His sled picked up the perfect size rock to wedge between the track and the forward bulkhead of his tunnel. We crossed on the ice of a little pond and stopped to help him out. There were eight of us plus him. We worked at it for about an hour but could not get that damn rock out of there. Tried to remove the axle but did not have the right tools to do it. He had sent the two guys he was riding with to La Tuque to get a hammer and a bar and said they should be back anytime. One of our guys had a couple of beers in his saddlebag leftover from the night before. We gave him one, and told him if we didn’t see his buddies by the time we got to La Tuque we would come back and get him. About three miles later we met his buddies on their way back for the rescue. Long story, but I have think about that trail every time we pass through. Too bad we lose those trails.
  11. Perfect. We start on Feb 7. If you are 100 miles or so out of the towns you’re pretty much not affected.
  12. M20 runs between 345 and 360 on the north side of the Mastigouche. M21 is a spur off that. I believe I’m correct in saying it at one time came out by the Windigo Outfitter. This screen shot is an approximation of where the trails are.http://quebecrider.com/forums/uploads/monthly_2023_10/IMG_0177.thumb.jpeg.e9f5655c6f76f4645baed63031f663af.jpeg
  13. Your dealer can provide your new sled VIN to you before it ships if you’re getting close to missing the early bird special.
  14. Another place the ladies would appreciate is on a spur trail not far from Cap Chat - https://villagegrandenature.com/en/
  15. Now he’s coming for your ceiling fans.
  16. Awesome ride. Thank you for sharing. Seems a little weird to see many familiar places without snow.
  17. About Mont Laurier - if you like to stay at the Comfort Inn. We like to start there as it is an easy drive for us. Last winter I was told that on the weekends there was a minimum two night stay. The woman I spoke with said they weren’t happy about it, but that is what the new management wanted. So avoid a weekend night if you are passing through or starting there.
  18. I’m starting to look at the map here and there now. At this point undecided. Go west? Would like to see if 63 reopens where it has been closed for logging the past two years. Head north? Would like to see if there will be gas again between Chibougamau and LaDore or get the group (6) to agree to carry gas. Current saddlebag configurations on all but my sled won’t accommodate a linq gas caddy. Head east to Lac Saint Jean area? Really like the area north of the lake. Wouldn’t mind a couple day’s riding loops before moving on. Since we are 6 guys and sometimes 7, we make reservations for an early February trip usually by end of November.
  19. I have both a 900 NA and a 900T (150 Hp). The 900 NA is definitely quieter. The turbos are definitely more throaty. The 900R turbos are even slightly more. I can’t comment on the 130. I would expect they are similar to the 150. By no means are the turbos loud.
  20. Unfortunately it is. Our son already graduated from college with no student loans. I missed a potential payday there. I was thinking I should stop paying my bills and let my credit go in the dumps in case I wanted to get financing.
  21. Flew their private jet to get there though. They probably borrowed credits from the Ketchup King, John Kerry?
  22. Awesome trip for you and your wife. As much fun as we have on our annual “boys” trip, nothing beats riding with your wife.
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