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Everything posted by GSX800

  1. Bravo for Team Iceman. What a great two weeks! Thanks for letting us ride along.
  2. Love Motel Le Delice. Ice is right, a warm friendly atmosphere. Back in 2011, we were there, finished dinner and back to our rooms to continue/finish happy hour, we hear a sled start up and a lot of hooting a hollering. Look outside and there is a guy riding his sled around in the parking lot in a pair of boots and just his underpants. Lots of pictures being taken by his buddies. I’m sure there was a bet, and some alcohol involved.
  3. There’s always money in the sledding budget! Compensate elsewhere during the rest of the year. The season is too short.
  4. Great news. Hopefully they don’t ever require a 4th booster. I’m pretty much done with vaccination. I agree, Walgreens worked extremely well.
  5. ^^^Agreed. That was the other thought in my helmet…why am I here.
  6. Rode Tug Hill yesterday morning for 2 hours. Had to have passed 150 - 200 sleds. Spent the morning creeping around corners on the extreme right. Thinking the whole time there will be accidents today. Condolences to the loved ones.
  7. It is great riding along with your pictures and commentary. Too many 60 plus year olds and those that are really close in our group. I think we’ll stay on the trail.
  8. What an adventure. That’s a lot of snow! Dig outs are a calorie burning cardio workout for sure. Enjoy your ride! We got caught in the storm a week and a half ago running from Sacre Coeur to Saint Felicien. After multiple dig outs we called an audible at 4:00. “We are not going to make it. What’s the closest town? Alma, 17 miles by trail”. Five dig outs later, find the closest road, Google map to the Universal. Got the last two rooms. (Nice rooms). Great dinner.
  9. If they can’t make your turns while staying on the right side of the trail…they need to slow down! The trails are not a closed course track. Just this morning on Tug Hill, went out for a short ride before the trails are closed. Almost got clipped by one of these types. Chris - Maddie’s South in Dansville is not too far from you. Tell the guy to relax, you’ll pick it up.
  10. Not quite correct. You will no longer have to take a PCR or NAT or NAAT test. You will have to take the antigen test. It will need to be administered by a medical professional so you can get the official results. The home test, which is the same antigen test, is not valid. Hopeful that testing will all go away soon.
  11. Still closed during the week? Looks open, but checking to make sure.
  12. Snow Miser, the run from Faillon to Motel du Lac is a pretty fast run. Once you get north of Senneterre it is arrow straight. You will be at your destination easily in the early afternoon. You could make the run to Marina Chibougamau from Faillon and be there around dark. The run down to Roberval will be a nice day. Bring gas as Snowmaster already stated. From the gas stop,in Chibougamau to the station in LaDore is 150 miles. Nice place to stay in Roberval is Chateau Roberval. Since you now picked up a day, from Roberval you can stay at one of the unique locations on TQ 83. A short 125ish miles to Pourvoirie Windigo, or about 230 miles to Barrage Gouin. Nice run the next day to Fer a Cheval. Just some food for thought. Enjoy your ride.
  13. Jack,

    I see you are doing your pre-entry COVID test at Walgreens.  Our group is heading to Quebec on the 18th and I want to make sure we are getting the correct test. Which test are you getting to meet the requirement?


    Diagnostic Lab Test (PCR)

    Rapid Diagnostic Test (ID NOW)

    Thanks, Rick




  14. Anxious to hear the diagnosis as well. As already stated, the 1200 is a bulletproof motor.
  15. Awesome ride. Our team will be up in a couple weeks. We are all anxious to regain that Quebec experience. Ride on and enjoy.
  16. Wishing you a speedy and complete recovery.
  17. Back in the day, I would get most of my information for lodging from the advertisers on the maps and in the magazines. Started in Canada back in 1995 when we were cancelled out of a saddlebag trip around the Michigan UP due to weather. In one of the magazines, SnoGoer I think, Alain from Hotel Motel Saint Agathe use to do a write up about Quebec. My riding buddy and I had the time off, so we booked with Alain and have been hooked on Quebec ever since.
  18. I saw 17 January as well, then reevaluate. Hopefully Omicron fizzles as fast as it burns. (I think they just came up with a new name for a cold?)
  19. Great report. Thanks for taking us along. Enjoy your time.
  20. Hello Snobeeler,  We typically have a group of guys ride in Quebec.  One of our group doesn’t want to get vaccinated, so we thought we’d give him a one time pass and give Maine a try.  I’m thinking we will probably ride some loops and then maybe saddlebag up to Fort Kent or Caribou. Any information that you can share on your experience would be appreciated.  Thanks Rick

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