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Everything posted by MrGutz

  1. I'm looking at those 400s from Yamaha and Cat.... Who can get hurt with only 60 HP!!! GutZ
  2. To Quote your cousin Frosty the SnowMan; "Happy Birthday!" hahaha GutZ
  3. The actual concern was if they caged and trucked it back north, they'd have to put it on the Gauthier to cross the St Lawrence and it would sink, the bear would swim away, and track down the a$$hole who approved such a Sh!tty Vessel....... Sad to See the result. Scared because the paper would\could have read " On his second attempt to go around the Gaspe MrGutZ was eaten by what he thought at first was a big dog...." GutZ ;
  4. NEOS it is. First they are doing a XRay Guided Injection. June 2nd. They said it should help. GutZ
  5. I was also watching him get a little more daring and a little more daring with the "TrailSide BoomDocking" untill this happened. http://quebecrider.com/forums/uploads/monthly_2022_05/Mason-Maine-OffTrail1.thumb.jpg.d93f78b1d44e72877cd3dd1074a689a7.jpg It was deep, Long Hair and I nearly had heart attacks getting to him, but once freed from the little tree the Bravo Mountain Max floated right back to the trail. Good Stories! No Injuries. GutZ
  6. We did do Millinocket, it was nice, I little warm and rainy on 2 days, Mini made it to Kokedjeo and back! 100 Mile day! 15+ MPG too. Quickly growing out of it. https://www.relive.cc/view/vZqNxNB7e3O The Do's and Don't I get so bored when stuck in the living room, but i hear you. What could it hurt if i just ....... GutZ
  7. Yes Sir! Never realize how many stairs there in QcCity, until you have a bum hip! hahaha GutZ
  8. Well.... a quick get away from the 90 degree heat this weekend! http://quebecrider.com/forums/uploads/monthly_2022_05/2039623728_Frontenac-2(2).thumb.jpg.e5a1cfb1f9712313203b8334cc7c3844.jpg And Grabbed a new crank for the Red Rocker, nice guys. http://quebecrider.com/forums/uploads/monthly_2022_05/CVTech.thumb.jpg.a5aee8950f83aea077f5359843fa5e77.jpg More on that later! GutZ
  9. Wow, You're gonna never get through the Metal Detectors at the airport! The Ankle Bolt's connected to the ....Knee Bolt, the Knee Bolts connected to the ....Leg Plate... LOL! GutZ
  10. I've seen your driveway, not a 2 minute job! HAHAHA! GutZ
  11. Plenty of time to start the track and ski conversion!! GutZ
  12. Well... went to Maine in the middle of March and took a few days off.... Wow, Came back and my projects kicked into high gear, and the staff kicked into low gear ( I wish that was so they could pull their own weight ). I can understand the great migration\resignation, but if you take a new job at least show up. I don't mean physically. Then we had others leave and someone said "Hey, lets have a Pizza Party....." Fortunately I hate everyone ( hahahah ) and so does my buddy Dan, so we did not go. By Sunday 75% of the office was sick with Covid..... Except for Dan and I again. ( more on this later ) If things weren't bad enough... right..... Keeping things on track and picking up the pieces became an uphill battle. During this time I finally got a call from the Orthopedic Surgeon's Office. Way back during the shutdown Dan and I were the only ones to keep working during that time. Unfortunately one of clients needed equipment and two ( out of shape ) 50 year olds were the only ones who could deliver some really heavy stuff in a construction zone. Anyways after a horrible snapping sound from my hip, I finally was able to see the Hip Guy. You guessed it ,they think I need a new hip. With all this going on I'm tired and every time I would sit and try to read the site, I'd fall asleep. If anything major has happened, let me know! LOL!! Later GutZ http://quebecrider.com/forums/uploads/monthly_2022_05/Maine-2022.jpg.4c3ef2aeae174069a2f273809e58969e.jpg http://quebecrider.com/forums/uploads/monthly_2022_05/Mason-Maine-01.jpg.daeb34c843c2acdd46acc803bfb8ac17.jpg http://quebecrider.com/forums/uploads/monthly_2022_05/Mason-Maine-OffTrail1.thumb.jpg.6fed1b4a13dd4f5a165d3545dc11046e.jpg
  13. We are off to Maine this weekend, otherwise I could loan you something! 1200s, 900s, even a schnazzy 89 Bravo.... GutZ
  14. Exactly!! Or was it dont pet them.... well its a fifty\fifty thing .... whats the worst that could happen.... LOL GutZ
  15. So if caught we should offer to buy a couple tickets to the upcoming clam bake... wink wink, nod nod.... Gotcha! I see how this works.... GutZ
  16. Holy SSSHHH!!!TTTT that's close and it looks like on a straight away....
  17. So thinking back to learning to drive a car\truck\etc... each was taught a different way or to view items in a different perspective. I was taught by an over the road truck driver, and he had me eye up the Yellow Line on the Left with the Front Left corner of the Hood. He said if you do that the right side will take care of itself. This is not to excuse anyone, but it may be more automatic than you'd think. I leave the house and an hour later I'm at my office in Pittsfield..... couldn't tell you how I got there, but I bet hugged the yellow line..... Now how do we break that habit or keep it in the forefront while riding...... tough questions..... these pictures and stories, I bet will help many.... GutZ
  18. I'm sending these pics to Mini's Dad to try and impress these things into Mini for the trip next weekend in Maine. He does great in the local stuff, I'm hoping for an uneventful long weekend...... And plenty of Steak Eating! Stay Safe GutZ http://quebecrider.com/forums/uploads/monthly_2022_03/Mason-Spring-Training.thumb.jpg.c06da45c72de61a335b8cbc714768ab1.jpg
  19. I feel for the guy, especially as I \ We are getting older and not as fast to heal.....I'm even worried taking Mini to Maine Next weekend, he passed the safety courses and you ask him, he says Ride Right, we've ridden on trails around Greylock in Mass and he does well.... but... what about the other guy?! Stay Safe GutZ Distancing Myself From The Following Comments It is just my skewed view..... Rattling in my head..... Anyways the good news is that some low mile used G4 900 Ace Renegade parts about to hit the market..... too soon???
  20. http://quebecrider.com/forums/uploads/monthly_2022_02/image.png.4dd523566c0261b9372ceee46b3921ec.png Herd of Turtles? hahaha! GutZ
  21. Sled in the back of a truck? LOL! GutZ
  22. We used the one off the Railbed, but that was a few years back, well marked and easy. Ate at the A&W across the street. Quick Easy Good. GutZ
  23. Last Day..... https://www.relive.cc/view/v8qVpDVjQ3O From Martin "LongHair" Scorsese And yes... That's me... It happened..... LOL Oh Well GutZ
  24. Chances are slim, how about a damaged but not punctured heat exchanger? Restricts flow. Maybe the little tail cooler behind\in front of the flap? GutZ
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