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Everything posted by zeusand

  1. Of course not, if you're unsure that's all
  2. Hey Dave, Is that a sled in the second picture? Wow! Good luck digging that out
  3. You could always do what I did in a pinch, grab 2 empty washer fluid gallon jug's from a gas station and fill them with gas, keep them on your running boards after 15 miles pour 1 in and in another 15 miles pour in the other. Kind of crude but better than walking
  4. So true, every time I've blown a 2 stroke it had high miles and I was pinning it.
  5. Incredible pictures and trip! Thanks for sharing
  6. Auberge du Ravage, and Bernard's Safari motel Don't laugh, it was like my uncle had a motel in Shawinigan🤣
  7. Yes, I see that now as well
  8. Seems like it's working just fine👍
  9. I wonder how many animals die from exhaustion walking through snow like that! Crazy
  10. Thanks Bill for all you do for everyone. You deserve it. I can't wait to ride the Bill Trail in your honor.👍🍺
  11. Yes, was there in January, top notch hosts. I believe it was 10 or $12 a night. Totally worth it knowing your vehicle is locked up and safe.
  12. Years ago, the thieves used to walk up to your vehicle and take a picture of your VIN number through your windshield and go to the local dealer and have a key made. Then they would walk up to your car and get in like they owned it and just drive it away but now law enforcement and the dealerships have partnered and you cannot get the key made unless you have one to copy. Otherwise you have to have your driver's license and or proof of the vehicle ownership.
  13. Thanks for all you do and keeping the site going👍
  14. That's a great idea, who cares about turn by turn directions anyways... you can't even hear them when you're moving at speed anyways. Not to mention the phone screen is almost twice the size of my 3.5" Garmin Nuvi 550 And you'll notice your notifications faster when you go through areas that actually have reception. Thanks again 👍
  15. Awesome video as usual! Funny story, about 15 years ago my buddy from Vermont and I got on the river by Grand mere and we saw open water to the left by the dam which we have seen before but going under that big bridge there was the Shadow from the bridge on the River Plus the dirt from the roadway that was plowed and sprayed on to the river ice and we thought we saw Open Water. We both looked at each other doing about 50 miles an hour thinking we can't stop now not enough time and hit the gas up to about 70 thinking that we were crossing water but it was just a shadow and the dirt from the snow plow spray coming off the bridge LOL
  16. Hi Jay, I keep my phone in my pocket and that solves that problem. But my GPS is mounted on my Dash. It is a Garmin 550 and I've noticed when the battery is new it can handle cold Temps down to about 15F below before acting up. But after a couple of years it barely stays on plugged in even at 20F above. But that is a great idea on the heated grip warmer, a nice thin one that will fit right inside the RAM mount. Thanks!
  17. Before GPS, I had a compass mounted to my sled. Saved me many times, come to a three-way intersection, not sure which way to go. I knew the right way on the map was northeast mostly so I'd start going that way for a few miles and as long as the compass was right... It usually workout out. I always carry Maps just in case. My GPS has frozen in super cold Temps and won't stay on for more than 15 seconds at best. I've been thinking to get another compass but the Imotoniege app should solve that problem. As long as it's charged... LOL
  18. At least you have a riding partner, although he might not be able to go get help, better than being alone LOL
  19. Yes! So easy that way. I've been doing it that way for years Like snowmaster said... so so true
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