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Everything posted by zeusand

  1. Awesome video Alain, fantastic job editing. I felt like I was on the trip!👍👍
  2. When I first started riding years ago , I always had a problem with cold feet. I tried a few pairs of boots and nothing kept my toes warm at 10 below or colder. I even bought a product called Hot Shot boot heaters which did solve the problem but I hated being connected by the wires. Friend of mine told me to get Sorel glaciers that are rated to 100 below and I haven't had cold feet since. I wear a 10 and a half in normal shoes but I bought the boots a size 12. I've noticed if you have a size and a half bigger your foot will be much warmer. Good luck!
  3. Riding during the weekdays are the best for sure. We did a 750-mile loop from the 7th to the 9th and only passed two dozen sleds in 3 days!
  4. I don't think it's far, maybe 10 miles someone else might know better
  5. Good to know, now we can check it after lunch too, thanks
  6. I think it's only once a day, at 6:30 in the morning
  7. Hi Jean guy, very sorry for your loss. Stan
  8. I called the roquemont hotel and they said guy's have come down 23 today from le tape
  9. Thanks Jack and Sandi, for the very detailed report. Happy New Year!😁🍸
  10. Thanks for the daily updates Don, like having a weatherman in Shawinigan
  11. There's just something about the Gaspe...incredible! Awesome picture as usual JG
  12. Hey Terry did you ever get that 800 for your wife that she wanted or did she end up getting the 850!
  13. Thanks Andy for starting this thread it definitely makes me think and I'm sure it does others
  14. Wow unbelievable a snowmobile broke a pole like that and only minor injuries
  15. I remember pulling into Bernards place years ago and I had frostbite on my face when it was like 20 something below. He handed me a jar of Noxzema and told me to put it on my face and after 15 minutes the stinging was gone.
  16. Not to mention I can't stand following two stroke sleds breathing in fumes all day long. Anyone who rides behind me doesn't smell anything
  17. Yes we met him once in the gaspe couldn't believe he was riding alone at his age and if I remember right he told me he had a satellite phone
  18. 190 miles? Glad you're feeling better!!
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