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Everything posted by scorpionbowl

  1. Ok guys...global warming, world peace, and this topic won’t be solved in this thread. One thing everyone here has in common is safety, so let’s all ride safe, have fun, and accept our differences...
  2. Hopefully they get the bill. No indication of bad weather, sounds like inexperience and bad decisions. Take your gps and cell phones back to tug hill guys...
  3. Chapelle opens this Friday for the season, grooming should start around then, for about 4 sections of trail anyway.
  4. I'll look into this, but it looks like you have over 180MB of space available, and you haven't even used 1MB.
  5. Actually, after another drink...these intrepid guys promote 1 week trips, so NB is a lot cheaper compared to Quebec. Who needs Quebec’s 12,000 miles of trails for a 1 week trip? If NB could promote a few 1500 mile 7-day loops for $125ca versus $220 for Quebec they might have something...
  6. NB has a big challenge, in general they are the most expensive to ride per mile based on trail passes, by far. People only have so much to time to ride, so unless u r a high miler, why go there? Quebec is a far superior trail system, and nearby Maine is a ton cheaper than Canada.
  7. Wow, close call there. Glad all is well. Did the pump have any problems keeping up?
  8. Another benefit for contributing members who stop by my house, a free beer, in the spirit of Bernard...🍻
  9. Great suggestion Mike, we are looking into how something like this could be implemented...
  10. I’m surprised they were still floating logs down the river in the 60-70’s, I think they stopped that in the northeast states around 1900...
  11. Always love these late season rides. No crowds, warmer temperatures, and longer days. Sure u have to plan carefully, deal with bare parking lots and roads, but u will be rewarded. Have good carbides, good hyfax, and scratchers, and even better, wheels. I did have carbide problems, but there is no evidence, lol. Drove to Mattawin Friday for the start. Friday night, one other truck and four sleds. Mostly perfect trails 355 to 373 to St Felicien. Saw maybe 6 sleds for a Saturday. Love the new 355 north of lac edouard. Saturday night at du jardin very quiet, 10 others sleds. Sunday, 83 to relais 22. St hedgewedge is totally different, not sure what trails are real on the map, but the orange trail of the last 15 years is gone on both ends. Even with the dead groomer, 83 was good. The start now has trail on the road that the trail used criss cross, so that helped a lot. Once u cross the river, perfect to 22. Two other sleds for Sunday lunch. 22 to wemo was perfect, still seen only 2 sleds. Wemo to turn to Gouin, better than perfect, freshly groomed 24’ wide the whole way, no traffic. Local trail to Gouin was very good. Had the place to ourselves on a Sunday night. Monday, Gouin local trail, unchanged. For some reason the perfectly groomed double wide 83 which had a few sled tracks before us, was regroomed. Took the 369? Thru kanawata via road to repos. No sleds seen yet. Gas at repos at lunchtime was a zoo, probably 20 sleds. Continued on to Lac Tareau. Not sure why I came here again, way over priced and garbage dinner menu, should have stayed at the central. This morning was all perfect, quick 120 miles back to the truck, via 360. Warmed up nice, not a cloud in the sky.
  12. Dead groomer and drag still there this morning.
  13. Security must have known who was coming, lol. Good luck. We are playing mechanics today after learning no torx wrenches in the bag, at least hardware stores are open when dealers aren't.
  14. That's why we pay u moderators the big bucks. I'm recommending u for a 15% raise...
  15. Never seen imotoneige with so little green and yellow trails, almost non existent. Mattawin to St Felicien was excellent today, except for a small stretch at the start of the pipeline.
  16. For sure if u figured it out, it's easy enough, and they've had one of those in St Felix for a few years, old--timer...
  17. Might be the only Motel that has lodging, bar, restaurant, gas, and depenneur in one building. That makes it 5-stars in my book! Wait, 4.5 stars, there's no SAQ, lol.
  18. Welcome QR's newest advertiser, Hotel Forestel, in Val-d'Or. All of the amenities you would expect in and around the Hotel are here. Excellent rooms, TV, bar, restaurant, wifi,and secure parking. Gas, convenient store, and sled dealers are all around the area. The hotel is located on a local trail off of TQ83. Just follow the signs or use the iMotoniege app on your phone. This is a favorite of many of our members, so feel free to share your experiences and welcome them to the site. Thanks go to Iceman for getting them on board...
  19. True enough. That’s why you can’t beat the four year warranty, a free engine at year three, and you sell it with one year warranty.
  20. tbk...someone’s been in the rouge a little early today.
  21. The orange trails around that stretch of the 373 are even better...
  22. You may not have snowman pics, but I have plenty, lol
  23. I just wanted to point out that no one here on QR has limited or restricted Bill's access to the site, whether or not the Delta is a sponsor. We appreciate Bill's reports as much as everyone, and look forward to more of them in the future, if he so chooses...
  24. New hotel doesn’t have a restaurant and I didn’t see a sled parking spot. You can’t park outside your room anymore. You have to walk across the street to eat but I think there is still room for truck parking. I liked the old Bernières better.
  25. Not a problem if u follow the guidelines on securing your truck which you can find here Drummundville is usually a low snow spot, but not this year. I’ve stayed in places south and east of there. We usually just pic a place on the maps if we don’t know any better. I can’t think of a bad place that advertises on a map, but there are certainly gems that don’t advertise. Also note that the region has a fair amount of road crossings and isn’t a high mile area, but traffic is usually less than further north, and there are some great trails to mix things up compared to what u r used to.
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