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Everything posted by smclelan

  1. I was talking to a buddy of mine today that drove down from Fermont yesterday, he said he also so a dusting of snow between Matane and Amqui. That is Gaspesie snow!!! My favorite kind!
  2. Happy birthday Ray, hope you have a great day.
  3. Good thing it was cold, those white and black ones tend to have a bad disposition!!
  4. Great Guys!! It is always good to have updated tracks. Andyman an I ran into some confusion last winter, he had in updated map version newer than mine. I will reload my GPS.
  5. Most people have their units wired directly into the sled. I believe this helps to prevent some issues caused by cold.
  6. Nice waterfall pics. You ran out of light with the last couple. LOL
  7. The difference is you can always get a couple buddies that will come over to the garage, stand around, sip a couple beer and look at a new sled. They don't do that with a new car.
  8. Very cool, I haven't seen one of those working since back in the early 80's. Very light foot print, there will be no ruts there.
  9. A couple pictures from the Look-off. How Selfies are made
  10. A great time had by all, lots of laugh and stories from motoniege adventures gone by. The weather was awesome, we were even able to drive the truck to the look out over Mont Saint Pierre.
  11. Are you a little excited about the new sled??? Hahaha Just remember, it isn't real unil you post a pic of it here on QR!!
  12. The little F 4 looks to be in pretty fair condition, how much will it haul 1.5cord??
  13. Here in a picture from in front of my camp yesterday. Pretty relaxing too.
  14. I have rode the Zec with Jean Guy on ATV many times, well worth the trip. There as many, many nice site where he will tour you. The Gathering is certainly an event that spouces are more than welcome!! The more the merrier!!
  15. Less than two weeks to the QuebecRider Gathering at the Select in Amqui!! It will be great to see everyone, have a beer and listen to snowmobile stories in August from crazy people.....like myself!! Sounds like there will be a few attending, any more thinking of heading to the Gaspesie for this gala event? How is the speech coming along Jean Guy, been practicing?
  16. Nice looking job thinning. We started a new Ponssee harvester yesterday to do thinning's like you are doing, just over $600,000. Bet the Husqvarna was less!!
  17. That is what we call them too. They are torturing little bastards!!!!
  18. Jam tart!! Get a rain coat!! LOL. We will get your rain tomorrow.
  19. Big crowds in Perce? The Gaspesie park is very beautiful this time of year. Could you still see snow is spots close to the peaks. In August about 4years ago you could still see it in places.
  20. Better start practicing your speech for the Summer Gathering!!
  21. Cool pic with the fire in front of the camp.
  22. Very nice pictures Mike!! Looks like a great place for a fall Gathering!! Those pics will keep the Groomer man on his toes!!
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