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Posts posted by iceman

  1. Wemotaci residents being allowed to return home. No word on Relais 22 will try to find out. there are still more then 20 fires burning in Quebec only 1 is listed as out of control. rain helped for now and number is way down from the 60 last week that were burning

    unsure if the trails have been affected yet (bridges burned etc.....) we shall see

    not sure if the people from manawan have been allowed to return yet.

  2. LOL I still rememeber looking at that BIG map at LeCabon and saying lets go to Chibougamau back in the early 90's and a young guy and we would all laugh..... But now have been there a few times like it is nothing... The mistek is gone LOL. Now need a new place to shoot for. How about Radison ?? anyone been there??

    not yet but have been studying the prospect of doing it

    Is all riding along the roads to go there plus towing gas

  3. Just returned from a 4 1/2 day trip to end a not so snowy season for us all

    day 1

    dropped the sleds at Relais 22

    83w great trail little icy leaving Relais 22 and riding the dirt road after the gas in Wemotachi was memorable

    after the dirt road in Wemo Awesome stuff all the way to Hotel Tamarack

    Thanks to Martin for being a great host and we shall return

    day 2

    Clova to Amos 83 to seneterre then down to louvincourt for gas and lunch only to find our lunch stop was buldozed over the summer

    up the local trail to the 93 and it was ripping to Amos

    day 3

    Amos to Chibougamu

    93 WOW is all you can say rocketing down the railbed and winter is in full swing through chapais and chibougamu

    day 4

    chibougamu to roberval

    great trails all the way to near st felicien needed to use the orange trai to roberval as the 373 is closed at relais des buttes

    not great hear but we made it.,

    day 5

    roberval to truck at relais 22

    83 to relais 22 was great

    1100 miles for the total blue sky and great temps

    perfect ending for a not so easy season for riding

  4. Winter trying to make a comeback here in Shawinigan

    Snow oernight now continues about 2 inches so far (real wet stuff)

    We shall see forecast is all over the place one says rain one saying snow lets hope for the snow and all of it.

    Will post more later

  5. Good One very funny Viper2

    for sure is a great trail was there earlier this season and was 10/10 so sweet

    for sure Kanawata is a great stop but call ahead for sure lots of French tourists there often book the rooms full in the lodge

  6. Both of those articles are from the same incident from sunday near rivere du loup on the st lawrence near isle vert

    they were trying to reach some fishing huts or something and the guy went through they are looking for the body still I believe

    this is the latest death I have heard of in the province by snowmobiling

    Sounds like not the best place to travel on ice that moves 15ft twice a day. Just my opinion

    But my sympathy to the family and especially the friends with him helpless to save him.

    must have been a bad scene for sure

  7. Pay nothing ride what you got.

    I love my Yamaha and will not look back.

    I like to play on the 2 stroke for a local ride or just for the day.

    But for my touring weeks back to back gimme the 4 stroke apex merci beaucoup

    Since I started with the Yamaha in 2008 I have seen a lot more trail then repair shops and I know for a fact cause I have seen it

    Can't say that for Ski Doo's lets be real here.

    Ya get what you pay for.

    Yes is very expensive especially here in Canada but really is Priceless for dependability and performance

  8. Do not try to use tq 3 to tq 83 Will be rough if passable that way at all from st raymond

    should be fine the tq 23 to Jonquiere

    Or for sure 73n to 355 lac eduard is open and groomed to go to Lac st Jean

    go for it

    Up in Saguenay is All good much more snow there before the rains

  9. Took a ride out tonight nice and cold for sure

    No Surfacing as yet here in Shawinigan

    Big Time Ice under the Fluffy snow we received as I expected to find


    Good news all is refrozen nicely

  10. cold for the week but no real snow predicted for here in Shawinigan

    Trails not bad but very Icy (still closed)

    If you use no studs it will be a problem for you for sure

    No grooming as of yet probably tonight or sat night I would think

  11. I don't know about all that but what I do know is I used to have to trailer up here 8hrs to ride like many of you do.

    Sometimes not always sure what would be there when I got there.

    So I will not bullshit anyone I know it's a long way to drive but well worth it as anyone who comes to ride in Quebec knows

    Riding anywhere else is just not comparable

    by the way snowing again now maybe another inch or so about 5 inches so far today real fluffy stuff now

    getting much colder too almost -9 now supposed to go to -15c so thats great for sure

  12. iceman,

    Where are you specifically that it is snowing and you have gotten 3 - 4 inches? Any idea if this is enough to get things back up to Canadian perfection?

    Thanks so much!


    specifically speaking I am in Mont Carmel at my house

    About 2 miles from Motel Safari

    It has snowed and is still snowing on and off

    No perfection right now but is supposed to be even colder friday and as the weekend goes on

    is only -2c here so still too warm for any surfacing yet (now the groomer would do more damage then good)

    I believe should be ok by end of the weekend but no perfection.(has been an off year not near enough snow anywhere for perfection)

    Lac st Jean yes had more snow then here to start with so more snow means better conditions up there for sure they will be back to normal now most likely

    I have not been out to ride but the trans quebec 3 is right here at my door and I can tell you everyone is behaving nicely and waiting for things to freeze up for the weekend (very little traffic as should be trails took a beating from the rain)

    If it is much colder as they say I will take a ride and check the situation friday but needs to be colder then now or I will wait.

    I am not here for a week so I am not going to rip the trail to shit now and wonder why it sucks come the late season

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