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Posts posted by Signfan

  1. Planning one final trip.  What's everyone's thoughts on finding the best conditions?  Saguenay (avoiding Mont Valin), Gaspe, Cote Nord running from Quebec City, Northern New Brunswick or Abitibi possibly heading east some and back.  Saguenay was my first thought staging from Saint Raymond but they have less snow then everywhere else.  Forecast is warming up in a lot of areas which has me in debating mode.  Any first hand knowledge on how plowed roads are holding up in some of these areas?

  2. Yeah it's every riders responsibility to not ride any faster than what you can see ahead of yourself and safely stop for.  I hate daytime grooming, but we all have to realize it does occur.  Could be a groomer, another sled, a moose or heaven forbid my kids over that next knoll or around that next bend.  

  3. Appears that he was in the middle of fighting with that hill.  The 4 track units have been known for these issues.  Just not enough traction to carry the weights up the hills they are fighting with.  Ice is their enemy.

  4. Always my worst nightmare when I was grooming.  Guys that taught me to groom instilled some rules as the groomer operator.

    - in the day light always stay right.  Doesn't always make a difference, but on fast wide trails it does.  Rider may slip by on the right.  Night time is a different story.  We high sided every corner to get the best results.

    - blade on the groomer was never to be more than 12" off the trail unless you're working with the blade.  If a rider does hit you they won't get decapitated by the blade.  The blade in the picture is exactly what we were told not to do.  It's up at head height.  It's as bad as farmers driving around on roads with bail spears on their front end loaders 4' off the ground.  Perfect place for a car to push that spear right through the windshield if they have a head on with the tractor.

    - as a general rule we avoided daytime grooming.   Hit a few club trails on Mondays and Tuesdays, but other than that all night shift.  Lights provide so much warning of what's coming.

    - always groomed with a mirror.  That way you're always looking forward and might have a chance to react

    It's too bad all clubs can't implement these items.  That said riders certainly have a major responsibility in this too.  If you can't stop in the distance you can see you're traveling too fast.  We're all guilty I'm sure.  Fun starts and it just takes a little slip of judgement at the wrong time.  Kinda like staying right.  We all agree it's important, but lot's still cut corners.  I truly think many believe they're staying right who really aren't when you go look at your tracks.  Some who are not even riding fast.  I had a group coming at me inside of my corner a week ago.  They weren't doing 20 km/h but we're still eating up my side.

    Wishing a quick recovery to your team Chris.  Thank god the injuries were only minor.  Snowmobiles can be repaired / replaced.  Safe trip home.  Next trip will be better for sure.  Don't waste anytime getting back on the horse.

  5. Does anyone know the story on these.  The signs seem to be up in the more remote areas of the province and a lot of them look to be in the ZEC's.  They are shown on imotoneige if you turn that layer on.  Will your phone actually work at these locations?  Or is it just more a way for 911 to know exactly where you are if you call from that sign with a satellite phone?  Are they installed by the ZEC's or someone else?

  6. That's fair.  I cam tell you with the Oxygen you can crack the shield and it will stay clear unplugged.  With the shield design this doesn't create a terrible draft that freezes your face off.   Just enough to keep it clean (in a pinch).  Would I buy it with plans to never run plugged in.  Definitely not.  But I don't foresee a scenario where I struggle to get home due to a power issue.

  7. 3 hours ago, snowmaster2112 said:

    Fu*&er came out of nowhere OVER the bank UP on the trail with me doing 75+. I figure by the time I hit him I was doing 60+ 

    his body wrapped around right side and kicked up into the air EASY 10 ft where he came crashing down in the middle of the trail with a broken back.

    I stepped off the sled, reached in my pocket for my camera (yes it was a camera back then LOL) and took this pic

    Shit was all over my bibs too


    Only question is did the mess on the seat come from the deere or you?  All kidding aside good to know you walked away from it unhurt.  Have a great trip.  Hopefully the moose aren't an issue this year in the gaspe.

  8. Wow that's way too new of a sled to have that happening on. That sucks. Bummer that your trip is getting cut short. Especially for such a simple item. Maybe worth a call to the dealer in Mont Laurier or Val Dor to see if they can get you one. Tow truck ride to one of those dealerships with sled on board might be less than the cab ride to Quebec City.  Hard to believe that isn't a stock part in every brp dealer.

  9. They will probably fog at first. Crack the shield and they will clear in short order. Once you get running you can close everything up. The heat off the shield keeps the air in the helmet warm which stops you from having any fogging issues.





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