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doo4adoo last won the day on November 26 2024

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About doo4adoo

  • Birthday 11/21/1962

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    Alliance du Nord

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  • Snowmobile
    Arctic Cat

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  1. Last i saw there was like no snow on the south side I know in Ont we are getting a good dump this week, have not checked to see if its going that way as well.
  2. I am not a fan of the FB version for sure. Hopefully this one can be salvaged.
  3. Yes it’s open. We rode it Wednesday was in great condition but with the snow Thursday it takes time to get it to set again so might not be as prime
  4. So the mile markers are clear to see. Once you pass the 27 continue on a bit and you will see a road off to the left. Take his and this will lead you onto the trail and the Junction for Casey or Parent. It harder to see to go to Casey than Parent so just stay on and you're good. Alternately you can stay on to 38KM and the trail catches up. Depends on the road conditions if I stay or not. We took the road from Wemtachi for a distance before we got on the trail to Relais 22 or Windigo. I'm not a big fan of the back & forth across the road and the road was not plowed well. Otherwise trail going to LSJ area was good. If you have an older Trakmaps version GPS it may not show this version of the trail near Windigo but you would still get there. How do i know, well I have an older version and got there lol. They got a lot of new snow Thursday night 8-10" so will take some time to pack as it was the fluffy type before trails are likely awesome.
  5. So we just got back. Its 27KM on the road. Gas is open. Thursday road was brutal with dirt & rock. Friday/yesterday with new snow was fine as fine as running roads can be. Signage is not the best. When I have more time will update where we went etc.
  6. Stay home is my suggestion and support our country
  7. For those of you that use the Oxygen helmet you might want to consider these. A local guy from Quebec came up with it. Works great https://www.connexionao.ca/Welcome.H.htm
  8. I think you have circled Windigo. If it is Windigo, its a top pick for many on this site. Usually for over night stays.
  9. What will it be like in 2 weeks?
  10. Its hard to believe within both of our countries we are not able to find a qualified leader. 2 real idiots running the place and lots of others idiots electing them in both countries.
  11. I had the after market kit on my 2020 Cat. Was great in many ways. It was always "on" where as the new factory system is layered so more at low speeds and reduces and finished at higher speeds. The factory is more smooth I would describe but not leaps and bounds better but cheaper I would say than buying the sled and having to add one. I had the 22 Mach and my biggest complaint was the heavy steering. If and its a big if still that cat is not around and or offering EPS then I will go to the Dark Side (doo) and get one of these kits.
  12. I will update you in Feb 🙂
  13. Ask if they will have the masseuse girl this winter as well 😜
  14. In case some have not seen from the other site they will be open this winter for a 2 week period from Jan 31 to Feb 16 $250 a head You need to book ahead. Suggest those that are interested to check out their site or FB one. I'm booked for early Feb
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